Example sentences of "and she [vb past] i [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Lissa 's money gave out , and she told me over an international phone hook-up that she was n't interested any more .
2 She took from my coat a hair which was not there , and she told me to be careful .
3 He told May , and she told me to be careful .
4 Steffi never misses a chance of coming to Britain , not only for tournaments , and she told me of her delight at discovering a street market on a recent visit .
5 And she told me about her relations , of one young cousin in particular , who had never thrived but sat by the fire instead of going to school with the other children , not growing an inch .
6 We nibbled olives and she told me about Italy .
7 Betty 's seen it and she told me about it .
8 ‘ You know , I gave her that room to herself when she came to us , because I thought it would be better , and she treated me like a servant — well , you saw , did n't you ? — and when she 'd got all the fun and sense of power out of that little game she started coming down with us .
9 The woman was in her early forties and she asked me for £5 straight away .
10 She came over to me one night and she asked me for a lift .
11 And she asked me for the fifty P .
12 She left her second cup of tea , and she followed me to the front door .
13 And she sent me to a mother and toddler group , I mean , she did n't tell me about any self-help groups , it 's mother and toddler , she just said take you and the baby and go to mother and toddler and that 'll be it .
14 The Fernies got rid of her when I left and she walked me to the front gate .
15 And she took to me and she took me to Liverpool and they were very good to me .
16 ‘ I 'll call back at noon , ’ he said to the buttons on her breast pockets , and she led me to a changing room full of paper nighties before turning to greet the next chicken on the conveyor belt and rewinding the tape to : ‘ Hi there , welcome to Surgicentre .
17 I was too scared to speak to her because she was a bit on the large side and had a pair of glasses sitting on the tip of her nose and she struck me as a very bossy , short tempered teacher .
18 I had a wife once , and she got me into trouble …
19 ‘ It 's awfully wild , ’ she said , ‘ but you are going the right way ’ — she was proceeding east and going into the storm at the time — and she thanked me for opening the gate .
20 I was intoxicated with her — and she played me like a fish on a line .
21 I went to Hemel Hempstead er a school called in Hemel Hempstead that was only from the August till December when I left school and then the erm then the Headmistress , cos we had a Headmistress there cos it was a mixed school , and she recommended me for this here errand boy 's job , his name was .
22 brought , brought one of those padded things sort of orange things and she pulled me to the steps
23 But I did get another tingle of excitement when I swam a shade too near a jagged reef , and she grabbed me by the shoulder to pull me away .
24 It was dominated by a huge television in one corner and she pointed me towards an armchair , covered in worn corduroy , which had once been dark red .
25 During my stay in her country we were always together , and she saved me from many dangerous situations .
26 I made her laugh and she reminded me of how Robin had been conceived .
27 She subscribed to a sort of education-orientated noblesse oblige which prevailed at the time , and would organize plays , and patronize enthusiastically any local concert party or visiting production , especially of Shakespeare ; and she invited me to her poetry readings , where members of the circle read poems on a prepared subject , in turn .
28 She 's lonely and she plied me with tea and scones and the rest , and gave me information about her neighbours , whom she seems to like quite a bit .
29 She said nothing to me and after rehearsals I was still standing there ; I 'd done nothing all morning , and she called me into the office .
30 I confided in a teacher and she referred me to a counsellor .
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