Example sentences of "and they can [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 In this situation you will automatically revert to those fixed-wing reflexes which you spent so much time in developing and they can lead you sadly astray !
2 So obviously managers , who 've given some members of their staff trunk access 3 , which is very low , which is Oxford , can say to their staff , ‘ Right , phone New York , phone Florence , phone this , phone that , and get me a list of all these things ’ , and they can do it , because the system does n't look for their code , does n't look for their limiting trunks , erm trunk access code 40 , everybody can use system abbreviated numbers , hash 6 .
3 two years older and they can do lots of other things
4 And they can show you extra levels where you can cheat and all that .
5 On two sides there were offices for the management and they can watch you and the supervisor or foreman can watch you as well .
6 We should remember that homosexuals form part of society , and they can exert their influence on the prevailing norms and values and therefore also on legislation .
7 And they can renew it , ’ she says .
8 you hear , in fact some folk waken up and they can feel it pulse coming up there .
9 I mean when people come , see who knows any good games , and they can organize them .
10 Otherwise , a dark suit , clerical collar , dark hat , raincoat , and they can give me a Military Cross .
11 And they can give you all sorts of reasons why
12 The class are encouraged to find their own solutions to problems and they can choose their own methods of working ; they are encouraged to be active , independent learners .
13 Well there 's an organization in Radford who can help out with both of these things they 're called A T O Training and they can tell you all you need to know about things like application forms and interview techniques as well as advice about further education and wan t what to do if you want to start your own business .
14 Dogs are sensitive creatures , and they can detect your fear , if you are worried about the trip .
15 and they 'll soon be gone and one thing which annoyed me er a Scotsman or a Welshman or an Irishman can go on television they 'll accept them and they can talk their
16 and they can pick them out .
17 There are plenty of things for teenagers to do , and they can suit anyone because they are so varied .
18 The idea of the tour is so that they can actually er listen to it , but they can turn it off whenever they want and they can use their guide book to see what is in each room and if you look at the guidebook as we go round , you will find that that the things are illustrated , you know the pot .
19 Now the important thing about the toxin is not so much that it can paralyse its victim , but that biologists can use it , and they can use it because it 's possible to label the toxin radioactively and then employ this to look at the distribution of receptors in patients with miocenia and characterise the receptors in other ways .
20 At last , we and they can use our eyes again and see where we are going .
21 There is a suggested minimum , but if , if , if it 's right for the person and they can afford it , that a minimum of forty thousand pounds is , is , is er , er , an industry suggested figure of a minimum .
22 Denis Smith says come along and enjoy what they 're putting on and they can guarantee they will be working hard
23 For some of these parents the injunction against such feelings is not too strong and they can accept their falls from grace with a certain amount of equanimity .
24 The point is that SRC 's customers are the individual businesses in Specialties and other parts of the ICI group , and they can take their work elsewhere .
25 There is something God-like about gynaecologists : they deliver life and they can take it away .
26 See lot lot of these jobs are done by the tide , say you take a ship now what 's been sunk in the river , at low tide they 'll put the wires underneath , make them fast to the ships and when the tide when the t t tide rise out come the ship , and they can take it where they want to .
27 Because salary company car BUPA and all that is only commission in another form and they can take it away and and not give it to you just the same as any other company .
28 But the brain is three-dimensional with inconceivably more cells , and those cells are far more wonderful for not only can they light up in patterns to show pictures representing outside vision , but they can subtly change the material and they can remember everything .
29 See see , folk like that , right , see when they come up , get somebody in the , in the playground and they can annoy them they keep bloody doing it !
30 And they can keep you in a home children 's home .
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