Example sentences of "and they [modal v] [verb] they " in BNC.

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1 For example , the thought ‘ They are on my left ’ does not ‘ succeed ’ as a thought unless I can also have other thoughts such as ‘ If I move to my left they will move to my right ’ , ‘ They are substantial ’ ( that is , not a chimera ) , ‘ They are reachable/not reachable ’ , ‘ They are supported by something ’ , ‘ A large opaque object coming between me and them would render them invisible to me ’ …
2 ‘ I was thinking I 'm going to be picked up at JFK and they 'll be expecting a black feminist and they 'll realise they 've got the wrong author . ’
3 You 'll bring your friends down , then beat us up , then we 'll bring our friends and they 'll beat them up .
4 Now Bigwig 's put their backs up , and they 'll think they 've got to go on because he makes them .
5 And they 'll get them .
6 And they 'll take they 'll take everything away from you no messing around .
7 I think candidates who are thinking of applying for entry in nineteen eighty-five , who are now say seventeen coming on eighteen , have got three or four years ahead of them at university , which is a considerable time , and if nothing else , university will make them question themselves , what their interests are , and they 'll introduce them to new subjects , new areas of study , and it may be a mistake to embark on a vocational course , and discover halfway through that actually it 's not what you want to do .
8 The wife of rock knight Bob Geldof added : ‘ It 's not worth it , and they might find they get enormous satisfaction staying at home . ’
9 Let's just consider the political problem though you have still got a problem selling it to a lot of MP s , if they 're listening to this interview and they are concluding , maybe rightly , maybe wrongly , that actually things are n't changing very much , and they may think they 've been sold a pup with these amendments , indeed I hear that some of them have had to be bought off , well , is it true that one of them was sent off to Peru on an on an election er supervision mission in order that he might not be around when the bill came up .
10 Has anybody had the opposite experience with er with the kind of the drugs we 're talking about , whereby they have been helpful and th , and they , and they would recommend them ?
11 Well all like fishes and they would destroy them and
12 They would salt them down and let them lie in the brine for a while and they would take them out and dry them .
13 At any minute they would see the two horses and they would mount them and ride on down the road and all would be well .
14 And they 've got a lot more and they would have them up and running as well
15 Erm in both of them it 's , they 're saying that how they 're falling behind and they ought to lead them as opposed to joining them .
16 ‘ People get to the end of their lives and they must realise they have n't seen or experienced anything real .
17 ‘ People get to the end of their lives and they must realise they have n't seen or experienced anything real .
18 I mean when people come , see who knows any good games , and they can organize them .
19 and they can pick them out .
20 Denis Smith says come along and enjoy what they 're putting on and they can guarantee they will be working hard
21 See see , folk like that , right , see when they come up , get somebody in the , in the playground and they can annoy them they keep bloody doing it !
22 What she ought to do is , I know what I 'd do is leave Anthony and Maria and they can put them down and go and see
23 Obviously people appreciate that children learn things and they can help them , but the question is , Why ?
24 They can help a crew lose and they can help them go at their best .
25 If you give in to them they will do it even more and they will think they have won , ’ she said .
26 What I would say , if there 's any doubt , if a mother has any doubt about her baby 's feet she should see the doctor and he will refer if he thinks necessary so most babies ' feet can look quite odd at times and they will hold them in strange positions .
27 Generally , senators assume that the President has the right to make the nominations and they will block them only if they feel that the nominees are particularly weak and the President needs teaching a lesson .
28 If you are using a removal firm ask them to provide tea-chests for all the small items , and they will pack them for you .
29 Erm and they will keep them in the archives and I suppose transcribe them or something of the sort .
30 That is the kind of question the miners of the country will ask , and they will say they have been deceived , betrayed , duped .
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