Example sentences of "and on [pron] [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 If clients are able to pay the bill they can get advice from a solicitor as often as they desire and on whatever topic they choose .
2 The National Government had been allotted a definite task , and on its completion it is understood that Parliament should be dissolved as soon as circumstances permit , and that each of the parties should be left free to place its policy before the electors for their approval .
3 Its body was covered with a rough hair plagued with small ticks , and the skin was hardened with the scales of a fish , but its human parts were more like those of a sickly angel than of a man , for its hands were tense and agile , its eyes large and gloomy , and on its shoulder-blades it had the scarred-over and calloused stumps of powerful wings which must have been chopped off by a woodman 's axe .
4 Its hands were flung up as well , as if to frighten children ; and on its face it had a manic-satyric grin .
5 He had left suddenly while Rachel had been on leave and on her return she 'd been told that another officer had been appointed but she 'd had no time to find out anything about him .
6 Eugénie kept it with her in her house at Farnborough Hill until her death in 1920 and on her death she bequeathed it to the Abbey she had founded to house the tombs of the Emperor and the Prince Imperial .
7 What you do with someone who is not in such a bad way will depend on your relationship with the young person and on what situation you are in :
8 Well she weighed me with me boots , er everything on and on their scales it was nine stone eight .
9 Now , they know they have ability and on their day they can be a very good team .
10 Because they were both already awake and on their feet it took neither Phoebe nor Rachel long to reach Maggie 's room .
11 Many of our residents have enjoyed the hospitality and entertainment courtesy of Matron Elder and on their behalf we should like to express our appreciation , and to thank all concerned for including us in their celebrations .
12 Ralph made a friend of every pupil and on their birthday they were called to his desk and presented with a sixpence — quite a lot of money in the twenties .
13 The Leith Dock Commission continued to use the services of the Rendel family and on their advice it was decided to reclaim an area along the East Sands and to construct another dock .
14 What they 've been saying is that some authorities might have experiments in the cabinet arrangement we 're not advising to go down that road because and on which point we do n't agree with that type of of government .
15 Additionally , the nurses can be given responsibility for determining how they will allocate the hours between themselves and on which days they will report for duty .
16 BELVILLE : I did intend what you call the worst , but if I am master of myself and my own resolution , I find I love you beyond all your sex , and on my honour I will not attempt to force you to anything again .
17 And on my faith me think it good reason
18 The noise of mallards squabbling minded me of work and on my way I went .
19 But even if they are qualified and on your establishment we can not but insist that they have a substantial teaching load as well , and I really do n't think that is any way to run a library …
20 It is this partnership of complementary skills and knowledge , which has made these results possible and on your behalf I extend our thanks to our employees throughout the company .
21 Once out of the bustling grimy city and on our way we motored into the heart of rural England , through expanses of green rolling hills with the odd kestrel hovering by the roadside looking for prey , and just as the sun began to set we passed Stonehenge , the strange stone monoliths eerily silhouetted against the dusky pink horizon .
22 As the worker of one Disability Arts Forum says , ‘ There 's integration on anyone 's terms and there 's integration on our terms , and on our terms we 'll get it right .
23 His fate , as shown by both poet and librettist , is almost foredoomed , and on his struggle they hang the themes of the harsh life of the fishing community , and the power of an indifferent Nature , moulding all men , conformists and rebels alike , to rituals of accommodation .
24 and on his law he meditates day and night .
25 Unlike the other Annamese present who wore court robes , he was dressed in the conventional short black gown and white trousers of an ordinary civilian and on his head he wore the traditional black turban of the region .
26 He will be gone about a month and on his return we shall go to Sydney as quickly as we can …
27 He himself made an extended visit to the West at the outset of his reign and on his return he created consternation — and a legend — by his impatience to change the face of Russia .
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