Example sentences of "and that in [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But in case he shall die in my Lifetime then I desire that my Coffin be made by his Son in like manner as his Father was to have made the same for which I Will he shall be paid the Sum of Ten Pounds and that in such Case the said Legacy of Ten Pounds so given to his father shall cease and not be paid .
2 Striped shirt tapped a gold pencil thoughtfully against his teeth and said that of course one had every respect for someone wishing to take such a stand and that in that case we must see what could be done with the portfolio as it was .
3 In the final analysis , it may be that national states and their control agencies are relatively autonomous of a particular social class , and that in that sense could , under the right circumstances , become an instrument , at least for a specific and limited objective , of any particular class or alliance of classes or pressure groups .
4 My own experience , on the rare occasions when I have actually been asked to produce a short story with my mind totally blank , is that one can tune oneself like the strings of a wind-harp by admitting to one 's mind the desire to write a story and that in that state of receptivity even the oddest , most trivial circumstances will produce a basic idea .
5 ‘ Suppose that there is an action between A and B in which B claims , but A disputes , that B is entitled to demolish A's house and that in that action the court grants A an interlocutory injunction restraining B from demolishing A's house pending the trial of the action .
6 He explained that in each case ( including that of teachers ) the charge would be on the cost to the employer of providing the services and that in each case that cost would either be nil or very small .
7 The origins of this marital-rape exemption seem to lie in the notion that the wife is the husband 's property , or that the wife promises intercourse on demand , but it has been defended in modern times on the basis that such cases raise essentially family matters , better suited to examination in a non-criminal court , and that in any case proof would be difficult .
8 She was glancing through a newssheet that she had looked through already a dozen times and that in any case told nothing particularly interesting .
9 S said that she needed the car to take her family to the airport and that in any case they were only abroad for one week out of two , so she would need the car again on her return .
10 Melissa was about to retort that Dora had every right to be concerned about her friend , but reminded herself that it was no business of hers and that in any case , Dora was quite capable of fighting her own battles .
11 Does the Prime Minister agree that we do not want the militarisation of space , and that in any case it is not needed ?
12 Yes , and that in any case the normal procedure was for the matter to be reported to the Parquet . ’
13 The move has been criticized by environmental organizations , which argue that the cars could be fitted with a converter because the cost , around £300 per car , is not prohibitive and that in any case manufacturers have known for some time when the law would come into effect .
14 As to Crescent Wharves Ltd. and Ship Link Terminals Ltd. , it was pointed out that most of the heavy goods vehicles are not theirs but belong to their customers or carriers and that in any event it would be wrong to aggregate their respective contributions in the circumstances of this case .
15 The committal warrant was signed by the judge but the contemnor complained that , contrary to Ord. 29 , r. 1(5) of the County Court Rules 1981 , no copy of the committal order had been served on him and that in any event the order had been drawn on the wrong county court form .
16 We are arguing , on the basis of what actually happens in classrooms , that a purist adherence to any methodological orthodoxy can generate considerable problems , that these need to be addressed openly , and that in any event the notion that the act of teaching can be made the subject of procedural mandates is suspect and unrealistic .
17 This should ideally be dealt with under the insurance provisions , but should it appear in the provisos , the tenant should ensure that it is a bilateral right and that in any event the landlord shall not be permitted to terminate the lease until it has taken all reasonable measures to procure the rebuilding or reinstatement of the centre or the part so destroyed or damaged ( as appropriate ) .
18 However , in addition to pleading that a provision is in unreasoanble restraint of trade a defendant can also plead repudiation , vagueness and that in any event he has not acted in breach of the clause .
19 The guardian ad litem takes the view that this decision is against the interests of the child and that in some way the inconvenience of the decision ought to be got round .
20 The way I have phrased this criterion implies that we should begin by looking for the biochemical and cellular changes and then on this basis seek the neurophysiological ones , and that in some way the neurophysiology is a mere incidental product of the biochemical and structural changes .
21 Nourse J ( as he then was ) took the view that the decision itself had to provide evidence of error , without assistance from cross-examination , and that in this case there was sufficient evidence .
22 This can be justified by the fact that Keynesianism was the accepted dominant macro-intellectual tradition and that in this tradition a key role , if not the key role , is the manipulation of fiscal policy weapons to achieve economy-wide targets .
23 My motivations were not as clear-cut as those of any contemporary workforce , but there is no doubt in my mind that I was going on strike in the only way I knew how to , and that in this sense Szasz is right to describe anorexia nervosa as a political problem .
24 By exposing the story of the silencing of women which underlies Herodotus 's project , the novel demonstrates that ‘ originary myths ’ are at the heart of factual descriptions about the world , and that in this sense women , by virtue of their historical ties with the discourses of fiction , have a privileged relation to the voice of knowledge .
25 It did so despite the fact that Goulding J had found that an experienced salesman quickly acquired a good idea of the prices obtained by his employer 's competitors , but that such knowledge was usually only approximate and that in this field accurate information was valuable , because a difference of even one penny a pound might be important .
26 This is a complete reversal of Wordsworth 's former teaching — that the Child is Father of the Man , and that in this world ‘ we find our happiness ’ ( Prelude 1805 , x , 728 ) .
27 It was further reported ( Danas , 10 November 1987 ) that in the first nine months of 1987 there were 17 rapes in Kosovo , every one of which was between two members of the same ethnic group , and that in this period the incidence of rape in Kosovo was lower than in other parts of Yugoslavia .
28 Yet one may imagine that the dinner-party takes place in a large house , and that in another room the ladies are engaged in their own conversations .
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