Example sentences of "and make [pers pn] [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In addition , they can shorten the child 's attention span and make him more easily frustrated — and this in turn leads to a poorer performance in school .
2 The two men struck a deal and subsequently Trevaskis took a 50 per cent partnership in a new company to import ‘ Laura Ashley ’ fabrics and make them up locally according to agreed patterns and styles .
3 These taxes are surely indefensible , because they are not only unproductive to the country , but actually put up the costs of producing our goods and make them less attractively priced for the overseas market .
4 In view of the understandable difficulty that this inelegant and complex piece of legislation presented to these people , one must stand in awe at what one Member , Sir Michael Havers , had the temerity to say at the Third Reading of the Bill : ‘ One of the great ambitions of successive Parliaments is to simplify the laws that they pass and make them more readily understood . ’
5 Look at the words of the hymns , glance at the dates and link them in with the theories we have discussed , and I can promise you that it will all make a little more sense and make it even more evident how our hymn-writers wrestled with the meaning of the cross .
6 Work started in January on a £20 million programme of improvements at Stirling Castle , designed to restore the historic fabric of the castle and make it even more interesting for visitors .
7 The end of the halyard goes through the end goes through the end fitting and then we tie a little stopper knot in the end , then we bring the other end of the halyard down and make it up tight on this crease at the bottom of the mast .
8 Then we got ta put a real stiff coat on there and make it really ripply .
9 Erm , now what that means is , if you ca n't answer the question and you 've only got a few lines down then sort of trying t w blur it a little bit and make it waffly so that there 's something we can point to and say that you 've written something , right ?
10 Ruth wondered if she was gazing at the dark whiskers which sprouted on her chin and made her so appropriately , though unfortunately , named .
11 Which brought pride back into Creggan 's heart even though he was driven away , and made him even more determined to bring honour to the name of Wrath .
12 It had puzzled him and made him very slightly jealous .
13 I sought a mandate from my constituents to oppose the poll tax and made it plain exactly what I would do .
14 So , repression , it 's not that Freud dropped the concept of repression but that he elaborated it and made it much more sophisticated , and the mechanisms of defence are the means , you could say they 're the means by which er repression erm comes about .
15 I du n no I think my jig saw went , that was the wire , I just cut it off and made it off again and it was alright it 's short enough so it do n't go through the window when you throw it
16 Apprehension about the Spaniards turned out to be unjustified ; they had serious problems with the Dutch , who were moving forward in the West Indies , and also with the trade winds , that blew from the east and made it very hard for ships from the Spanish Main or from the larger islands like Cuba to reach the smaller islands .
17 Since then they have travelled more than 30,000 miles in Europe and Britain — and made it home only once .
18 I think we 've got the balance right between spectacular jumps and making it still fairly easy for the beginner as well .
19 Just as the concentration on individual managers isolates them from their proper context and makes them almost personally responsible for local policy variations , so the concentration on the processes of local politics isolated these from other sets of socio-economic processes .
20 It also increasingly removes one from the contemporary marketplace , and makes it even more difficult to foresee the future .
21 This becomes very hard and makes it even more difficult to breathe properly . ’
22 But the more civilized route to take to Biarritz is via the mouth of the river Adour ; this stretches the journey by four kilometres and makes it twice as enjoyable .
23 The wrong sort of diet , especially one with too much fatty food , makes your arteries more likely to clog up and makes you much more liable to a heart attack .
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