Example sentences of "and what [pers pn] have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Bill , what would you do if one of the gang went out at night and told someone all about us , and what we 'd done ?
2 Did we talk about where we 'd been and what we 'd done , what we 'd seen and what had happened ?
3 So we pulled over , you see , and what we 'd got , the kids at the back had a big card .
4 ‘ But then one night , under the covers — I was just getting older , I guess , but anyway — I was sort of reviewing the day , and I was thinking about school , and what we 'd learned , and we 'd been doing the Second World War , and I had n't liked the sound of this Hitler guy at all ; and I 'd asked dad , just to double-check , and — ’
5 I was up afford dawn getting all ready , setting the china , both ours and what we 'd borrowed on the trestles in the orchard , helping Gideon to put the casks of beer in the yard , ready for the men to fill their harvest bottles , and fetching water from the well for the tea .
6 Well so much for the sea surface temperatures of the past , but we 've been looking at our records of the compounds in the sediments even more carefully and what we 've seen in there are molecular fingerprints which do not match those of the marine organisms .
7 It is important that we help each other tell the truth about who we are and what we 've done .
8 So technology has advanced considerably , and what we 've done is to capitalise on the younger engineers and we 've introduced another phase called neighbourhood engineers and this is where we rely on the er goodwill of the firms to actually sa let their seconder engineers sometimes , but certainly let them out into the er into the schools careers convention work places to talk to the actual youngster itself .
9 And what we 've done now , and with colleagues from Germany , is to take cores off north west Africa , say about twenty metres down into the sediment , we sample them in the lab here and took the small amounts of sediment and examined them for these long chain compounds and we were extremely excited to see that as we went down this core , back through the last few hundred thousand years , we could see our signal on sea surface temperature oscillating about roughly in the same way that er has been found with other methods of getting at the past history of the climate .
10 We know very precisely the age at the top of the coral when it was uplifted and died and what we 've done is counted these bands back through hundreds of years , back to the time when the coral first started growing and that was in the year fifteen eighty three .
11 and what we 've done to the ozone layer ,
12 As you can see , so far six hundred organizations have registered with us and what we 've done is put them in a rather , rather flash booklet and the idea is that youngsters , their parents , teachers , youth leaders , scout leaders , anybody , gets hold of one of these booklets and in it , it tells them how to go sailing .
13 We anticipate a shortfall of fifteen thousand pounds compared to our original budget and what we 've done in that is we 've taken an element of seven thousand in a sense below the line so that it does n't affect this committee , but this committee has had to find eight thousand pounds with that shortfall and now the bulk of that has been met by the savings we found elsewhere in the budget and the final item there is er setting up a consultants budget of ten thousand pounds , there 's not a consultants budget of any significance at , at the moment of the committee erm the County Planning Officer anticipates there 's a need for consultants in the minerals local plan work which we 're coming into this year and also to assist in environmental assessments er and special on that .
14 Certainly I hope they take that into consideration when we do the er annual report and what we 've done because we have n't been half as active as what we have in the past ,
15 Thank you , Chair , it 's basically been allocated in terms of floor area , and what we 've said to Age Concern , is in so far as we continue to provide them with premises , then we will , if we adjust those charges , we will adjust their grant accordingly .
16 If the company ‘ goes under ’ , I fear R will regard the years he has spent on it as wasted , it seems to be a feature of modern society that we tend to judge who we are and what we 've achieved , even what success is , by our work above everything else .
17 And what we 've tried to do is to look at the national curriculum and try to identify young engineers who could go in and help with design and technology and quite obviously , practice what they preach .
18 Erm , right , what I would like you to do , and what we 've agreed is that , just introduce your partner .
19 And what we 've got in standing for a general election is about two and a half thousand men and about five hundred women .
20 and what we 've got to do is er er as I said to Ed a little while ago , I mentioned a little while ago , we need to gather the other thin section
21 And what we 've got N here we 've selected as three and so we 've broken it up into three tuples because another rule in the method even though it can be broken is that each pixel can only go into one tuple .
22 and what we 've got ta get , you know who they 're for .
23 And what we 've got ta do
24 They are self selecting , and what we 've got to puncture is not the erm idea that the best goes forward , which is what you 're suggesting , erm but the idea of this self-selecting bit , it 's quite true that it tends to be men who put themselves forward for selection and election , and women do n't .
25 And what we 've spent then ca n't we ?
26 We 've it , researched it and what we 've found is that there is a niche for the best of British .
27 On top was the Queen with Princess Anne in a pushchair and Paul McCartney as Dad , and here was one I had near the beginning about being in a space-ship — Brian and me were weightless and floating around , and what we had to do was to get some stability by getting hold of this firework , a sort of Catherine wheel that was going round and round and showering sparks in our faces , so we closed our eyes and a fire-fanged beast roared flames at us and burned a hole in the space-ship and I fell , still with my eyes tight shut , out into the bottomless black void .
28 boundary changes that we would like to have the full panoply of o o of inquiry a as the honourable gentleman knows , the the timetable was short here and what we had to do was to follow the model , er that had been provided by the last Labour government in seventy eight when it had a similarly tight timetable , took a similarly er er period , similarly short period of time er for the reviews and where erm the normal enquiries had to be dispensed with .
29 The meeting was chaired by Betty Sinclair , who reminded the supporters that their objective was to demonstrate for civil rights , for jobs and for houses : ‘ We are asking you to listen to the speakers , and what we have done today will go down in history and in this way we will be more effective in showing the world that we are a peaceful people asking for our civil rights in an orderly manner . '
30 I was trying to educate the children and what we have done is actually in science , educated the staff .
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