Example sentences of "and there have be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He was probably mixed up in disposing of the pictures stolen in that big robbery from the Duke of Suffolk 's place , and there 've been other things .
2 Dr Kelleher had been working in close cooperation with Dr Laurent and there had been long consultations in the Pathology Lab .
3 She did not know what sort of oddness to imagine , but they had been a long time and there had been peculiar noises .
4 The shipyards , the traditional industry , had closed and there had been widespread unemployment .
5 And there had been green and gold and scarlet dragons painted on every wall and woven into every silk hanging .
6 Violence had broken out , and there had been anti-Catholic riots in Belfast .
7 And there had been careful consultation with residents and their families .
8 The very idea of the ‘ comprador bourgeoisie , ’ central to the dependency approach , appears to have fallen into disuse in recent years and there have been various attempts to reconceptualize what it refers to .
9 erm I think in fact it would be better to ask Mr Bailey to explain what his concerns were erm I 'd just like to say first although initially it revolves around problems of drinking , I 'm looking at other issues of East Oxford , in that recently there 's been a great deal of concern about glue sniffing in sections there , and there have been various letters from residents in the local newspapers , and I think there 's a general level of problem for people living in East Oxford , and it 's not just that the people there want the streets cleaned up or whatever , they want something constructive and helpful to be done for people .
10 It is rumoured that the project is backed by an international mining consortium and there have been recent reports of attempts to enlist Yanomami from the area for military service .
11 Three key staff have resigned in the past year , and there have been frequent complaints that its establishment of 240 is too low .
12 And there have been unconfirmed reports that troops from Pakistan , Morocco and Tunisia refused to take part in active combat against Iraq .
13 There is a cuddly look about the new Scottish Office ministerial team and there have been unconfirmed sightings of the word ‘ consensus ’ .
14 These statements are all true and there have been astonishing changes of government policy in a remarkably short period .
15 And there have been long term er landlords there .
16 Erm other places to watch out for in Baysford the work is continuing on David Lane and Southwick Street the crossing there is closed diversions are in place and there have been long delays in the area there so unless you have to I would n't .
17 India 's 100m Muslim population has reacted widespread demonstrations in support of Saddam Hussein , and there have been similar large- scale protests in Indonesia , Malaysia , and Bangladesh .
18 And there have been similar demonstrations in Gloucestershire which has a similar vote next week .
19 The breed 's reclaimed hardiness makes it useful for extensive suckling systems and there have been successful attempts to produce crossbred suckler herds ( especially Longhorn x Welsh Black cows to Charolais bulls ) .
20 In 1919 the first of the Rubies landed in Brazil and there have been regular importations ever since .
21 The Association 's view was influenced by war-time scarcities , and there have been subsequent changes in the structure of the industry .
22 Nurses run the groups and there have been significant results .
23 These issues have been debated by American feminists like Linda Nicholson , Nancy Fraser , Christine di Stefano in much the same terms already , and there have been special issues of the journals Feminist Studies and Signs on the topic .
24 Military expenditure is at a very high level , and there have been numerous reports , both inside and outside government , which attest to the corruption , inefficiency and massive profits being made in defence contracting .
25 Three quarters of a million people — one quarter of the entire population of Colonel Gadaffi 's Jamahiriyah — demonstrated in Tripoli on January 18 and there have been mass demonstrations in support of Iraq in Tunis ever since late August last year .
26 Research sections have been set up at the Institutes of Education in Kenya and Sierra Leone and there have been important regional conferences on educational evaluation ( at Dar es Salaam in April 1975 ) and on the growth of scientific and mathematical concepts in East African children ( Nairobi , September 1974 ) .
27 The bones come from the remains of small mammals apparently trapped in a pitfall cut into chalk , and there has been extensive alteration on both the enamel and the bone , with surface flaking on the vole molars ( Fig. 1.13 A , B ) and incisors ( Fig. 1.13 C , D ) .
28 In music , where there are still also patronal relations in commissioned works , there are still predominantly distributive post-artisanal relations in orchestral works and in traditional sheet music , while in popular music the second , productive post-artisanal phase has long been established , and there has been major movement into later phases of market relations .
29 ‘ They also raised money through charity events and there has been tremendous support from the local community . ’
30 The Bears suffered a crushing 58–32 defeat at Brough Park on Sunday and there has been frantic activity in the Bears ' camp to get machines and riders ready for revenge .
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