Example sentences of "and if i be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And I am going into the light and I am going into time , and if I am to save the world , then I shall have served the world , and if I do not save the world , then at least I shall have tried .
2 I may not answer and if I am doing your mouth I shall tell you so . ’
3 I should be feeling disloyal to Fergus , I should certainly be wondering if what I am doing is right , and if I am going to be hurt .
4 But I could tell there was no real wish on her part to renew any old ties of love and friendship and if I am going to be honest no real wish on my part either .
5 I get to the border , and I am questioned for hours , endless interrogation , and if I am travelling in a car , they open it up and they search it .
6 And if I am to believe her … ’
7 Wahono quoted Suharto as saying : " If the people want it and if I am entrusted , then it is my duty to fulfil the will . "
8 Remember the boys are at home and if I was to go and ask Martin he would immediately say yes . ’
9 I needed a shower and a change of clothes and if I was meeting Werewolf and Sorrel in Vecchio Reccione 's it was wisest to leave Armstrong behind .
10 You wanted to wake up with him right there in the room and to turn to him and quote the next line of the film right back at him , to whisper it to him , make me almost believe that we are a pair of young lovers without any shame , and I do n't mean that in some tragedy queen way , but in order to say of Boy that truly I do think that it is a beauty like his that makes it all worth while , and I do feel that if we are fighting for anything , and if I was asked in a questionnaire what it was I was fighting for ( and believe me I do feel like I am fighting , more and more I think that ) , then I would answer , beauty .
11 Any edge that gave me would not last for long , and if I was going to protect my client , if she was my client , I 'd better get on with it .
12 And a confident Hide said yesterday : ‘ I 've always known I was as good as people like Bruno and Lewis , and if I was offered a fight against Bowe in January I 'd take it .
13 I have been living in the city for three years and if I were to go to the estates now they would n't give me work .
14 I ca n't say we really got to talk properly until we played tennis together at Kyalami in 1976 , just before he took up his Lotus drive , but it was evident from the first that he was of sound mind and body and somehow radically different from any other driver I 've met before or since , and if I were pressed to say why that is so , it has to be because of his utter imperturbability .
15 And if I were to put it , If you have an opportunity of two sites and the development of one is capable of causing damage to existing characteristics and the other is not , would you go for the the one which would not cause damage rather than the one which would , or would you willy-nilly plump for either ?
16 As I said at the beginning I think one should be wary about using the word natural , because sometimes people use it you know to promote something you know like on advertising you know it 's natural , must be good for you , but at the same time there are certain things that are natural that are very bad for you like death and if I were to say you know death is natural , nobody would think I was advocating suicide of course not .
17 And if I were to pick one of my own , it would be either ‘ Zen Arcade ’ or ‘ Workbook ’ . '
18 His reply is just about repeatable in this magazine : ‘ Look , ’ he said , ‘ big cars are for men with little dicks , and if I were to spend all my time polishing it , what would that make me ? ’
19 My mother does n't cook very much food , and if I were to cook my own she would see that as greed and put a stop to it .
20 There have been many books written about improvisation and if I were asked to choose just one it would be Keith Johnston 's Impro which is straightforward , understandable , and theatrically aware .
21 And if I were to start screaming now it would be too late .
22 And if I were to stay … ’
23 ‘ I knew that I was playing with fire ’ , he confessed ; ‘ I ran the risk , and if I were set free I would still do the same . ’
24 Visit the neighbourhood centre at , and there I 'm in contact with residents associations , Asian groups , er all types of groups , and if I 'm invited to them I go .
25 ‘ Too chancy and if I 'm seen , it 's bound to be reported .
26 a member of the G M B. I 'm proud to say that I 'm a trade unionist , and I 'm proud to say that I 'm a Socialist , and if I 'm gon na remain that , and if we 're gon na carry that message forward , we 've got ta be on the move , we 've got ta do it , we 've got ta carry it forward , we ca n't afford to muddle our way through .
27 Well you 've got ten fingers and if I 'm gon na
28 It 's my life right now and if I 'm playing well I 'm happy , and if I 'm not then I 'm difficult to life with . ’
29 And if I 'm going to be leafleting thousands of people in conferences , or at least hundreds ,
30 And if I 'm going to be head boy , I ca n't afford to get stale . ’
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