Example sentences of "and if [pers pn] [be] not " in BNC.

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1 Make a note of the values at maximum and minimum and if they are not of equal magnitude adjust the zero-offset trimpot so as to make them equal .
2 Children do not have that choice , and if they are not helped by those they rely on to deal with their frightening and disturbing feelings then they can suffer considerable harm .
3 Visitors to the villa arrive at the front , to be greeted by a huge work by Marino Marini , and if they are not careful see only the front .
4 They will need to check whether they have made the same amount of each and if they are not able to count , then they can correspond one-to-one ‘ tops ’ with ‘ bottoms ’ .
5 Flaws in the system are taking a ‘ severe toll ’ , and if they are not corrected , ‘ the consequences could prove fatal to firms of all sizes ’ .
6 Well I do n't se I do n't think that it has been badly designed for the old people , I think the object of building the town as it has been built is to integrate the erm the old people with the young , perhaps the young people resent that but I think we have got to have a mixed community in as much as we have got to be aware that old people need attention in as much as they need companionship and if they are not integrated with the community they are going to be I really se , just left out on their own which in lots of cases there are very , very many lonely people , old people but if they are put within the community I think the community will look after them , in as much as giving them companionship whether the people , some people resent it or not , I do n't know , but I do think that they should not be segregated .
7 And if they are not taken in their usual sense , how should they be understood ?
8 Sometimes X sells goods to Y who in turn sells them to Z. Sometimes , however , Y acts as X 's agent in selling to Z. In the former case Z buys his goods from Y and if they are not delivered or are defective Z can look to his seller , Y , and if necessary can sue him for breach of his contract of sale .
9 Last week the UK Department of Health confirmed its earlier recommendations that the risk of cot death is reduced if infants are laid to sleep on their backs , if they are not exposed to cigarette smoke before or after birth , and if they are not overwrapped or overheated , especially when feverish or unwell .
10 They are made by human beings and if they are not doing what we want then we have a right and a responsibility to change them .
11 Our investigative researchers ventured into the centre of London to find out if High Street shops are dog-friendly and if they 're not , why not ?
12 And if they 're not in by tomorrow morning — and I mean tomorrow morning — you can assume that we 'll be buying our photocopying paper elsewhere ! ’
13 Under the Sale of Goods Act , goods must be fit for their purpose and if they 're not you can claim compensation for the full amount of your loss resulting from the breach of contract .
14 Check that all the bulbs and wires work and are intact , and if they 're not , throw the old set away and buy new ones .
15 They will probably guess a e i o u , and if they 're not yet right , follow with r ( chr ) or , with older children , chl : - chu — — —
16 And if they 're not prepared to pl play the game or pay the going rate well then you review it and think how far do I push them on this ?
17 Cos if you get em If you put a bo A multiple choice and if They 're not actually think they just like look at one and , Oh I do n't really like that all I do n't really like think about it .
18 Er you know , are competent interviewers , and if they 're not , whatever .
19 ‘ You do n't know them , Sister , ’ he said darkly , ‘ and if they 're not thinking that then they 'll say I 'm skiving or only coming over here to chat up the nurses . ’
20 Parents have to be aware that not absolutely every accident is preventable and if they 're not prepared for their children to run that element of risk then obviously they have the choice of not letting their children go . ’
21 If they 're procedural they go to the procedure owner who follows them through , gives feedback to the person making the suggestion , in the way that we decided already , and if they 're not procedures then the divisional quality manager picks them up and deals with them appropriately , either within the division or by bringing .
22 I think also you would expect children who are really quite young , well before the first year , to be showing social interest in other adults around , and if they 're not it might be worth checking that there is n't some problem with the child .
23 Computers can also get in the way , and if they 're not running properly they can be frustrating .
24 I think also you would expect children who are really quite young , well before the first year , to be showing social interest in other adults around , and if they 're not it might be worth checking that there is n't some problem with the child .
25 No , I , I 'll , I 'll agree with that , and I think the players will agree with that , it 's not as though , it looks as though we 've got absolutely murdered again Saturday Mick , three nothing , as I said , it stops at me , and if they 're not going to do what I want them to do , then I 'll leave them out the team .
26 Now I suppose for most of us because of the very fact were here this morning they have been few and far between such experiences , perhaps what is more common is that we may have spent time with someone who was dying , their last few hours , their last few minutes , and if they were not unconscious I wonder what sort of conversation would be going on between us and them , what sort of things would we , would we of been saying , what would we be asking us , well in this passage that we have been reading we have just such a conversation , two men who are on the verge of death , death can only be hours away for both of them , and here they have this conversation , it was in that sense it was one of the strangest interviews any body ever had with Jesus not only is the , the account here of er a death bed conversion , but the one who is saving is also in the process of dying .
27 He may have agreed that if the goods were in existence he would acquire the ownership of them and if they were not in existence he would get nothing but that in either event he would pay the price .
28 His reason is that he can not be sure of what code of manners were followed there and if they were not the same as his it would seem as if he were almost a bully in chasing down someone below his class .
29 Andrew said : ‘ Everybody had to go through a medical before the show and if they were not up to it , they did not go in — we had to be very careful because of their health and safety . ’
30 Traditional values are being threatened by this rush to modernise and go ‘ twentieth century ’ as they say today , and if we are not careful we 'll throw out the baby with the bathwater !
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