Example sentences of "and would [adv] have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The manners which Topaz had been taught at the convent were good enough as a basis for acceptable behaviour , but she soon discovered that she had a great deal more to learn , and would also have to adopt a whole new set of values .
2 If — and it was a megalithic if , but I supposed we should consider every possible option now we were at it — if , in some weird way the Ghost and her voice really did exist , then as soon as she 'd got over her disappointment , she would have to admit she 'd been defeated fair and square , and would just have to honour the deal and flit off back to heaven or wherever it was she lived now .
3 He calculated that by the age of 65 the deceased would have put £18,000 into his firm in working capital ; this would have been repayable and would ultimately have come to the widow and her daughter .
4 She knew that he had two grown-up daughters of his own and would scarcely have approved of aiding and abetting or even allowing a girl of Liza 's age to be left in any compromising situation with a young married man .
5 He saved much that had been thrown away as rubbish , and would otherwise have perished without trace .
6 If the university had been , say , in Vermont , I would have agreed to go and would somehow have found the money to pay my fare and support myself in America — and interpret for Jean-Claude .
7 It must surely be apparent that , with death visiting almost every family with such regularity , any attempt to mask or evade the reality of death could not have succeeded , and would probably have made the situation worse .
8 She was carrying more rivets than the average U-Boat and would probably have turned a compass away from Magnetic North .
9 In our view , routine casework unsupported by an active programme of service development would have been of little value and would probably have degenerated into a frustrating cycle of ‘ patch and mend ’ crisis management .
10 Even though he had accepted general responsibility for his company 's operations , and would probably have agreed to print the books had the decision been referred to him , he could not be convicted unless he had been given specific notice of the offensive material .
11 Usually he was in camouflage smock and holding an A.K. at the hip , and would probably have knocked half his pelvis off from the recoil if he had fired at that angle .
12 Paediatrics boss George Haycock said : ‘ Both children were extremely ill and would probably have died anyway . ’
13 I 'm a sucker for pretty wood finishes and would probably have requested a much more translucent look than the one I see here .
14 A compulsive polo watcher , he was familiar with many of the O'Briens ' horses and would probably have to rearrange the list when he saw which ones they were playing .
15 The advocates of such a holistic viewpoint would have been far more willing to accept the need for preserving the complex web of natural relationships , and would thus have gravitated towards the environmentalist movement .
16 Having slept better that night , Fabia awakened on Tuesday and thought of Ven , thought of Cara and of Barney , and would dearly have liked to telephone her parents to find out if they had heard anything from her sister .
17 QPR are not good enough to finish in the top six , according to Trevor Francis , their player-manager , but they should have won and would surely have done so but for a mind-boggling miss by Andy Sinton when it was 2-2 .
18 Robins now has 10 goals this season and would surely have figured in Ferguson 's plans by now had he stayed .
19 and would n't have touched it with a barge pole
20 However Tolkien disobligingly remarked that he had n't read Ariosto and would n't have liked him if he had ( Biography , p. 218 ) , while Spenser exemplified much that he hated ( see pp. 42–3 above ) .
21 You were drunk and would n't have done it otherwise .
22 I 've struggled for most of my career , and would n't have survived without self-belief .
23 But his mother says he loved excitement and would n't have wanted to die any other way .
24 She thought he might have meant a New York accent , but she was from Los Angeles and would n't have tried anyway .
25 I am no molecular biologist , and would n't have dreamed of learning the techniques required to detect the immediate early genes , if it had n't been for the serendipitous arrival in the lab of a young molecular biologist from Moscow , Kostya Anokhin ( grandson of the psychologist and physiologist pupil of Pavlov , Peter Anokhin , whose ‘ functional systems theory ’ I referred to in passing in Chapter 9 ) .
26 In her imagination , the little flat was suddenly peopled with the ghosts of tall , glamorous London women , with names like Wanda and Melissa , who knew when to tip porters and chambermaids and would n't have dreamt of unpacking their own shopping .
27 Surely , if there really were a knowable pre-life creator , such would have long since become truly known to humanity , and would not have remained a subject of speculation after many thousands of years .
28 I had had no intention of seeking to intervene in the strike and would not have done so but for the ubiquitous activity of George Wigg .
29 She had consented to intercourse with him and would not have done so had she known of the disease , yet her consent was not vitiated by his omission to tell her of his bodily condition .
30 The basic problems — overaccumulation in relation to the labour supply and sharp decline in profitability — preceded the oil crisis and would not have evaporated in its absence .
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