Example sentences of "and not [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The owner must believe the information to be secret and not already in the public domain .
2 Collectively , the population of Britain perform millions of acts every day during their waking hours , yet the net result of all this is not chaos and confusion , but a reasonable approximation of order : motorists drive on the left-hand side of the road , not on the right ; shoppers offer coins and banknotes , cheques and cheque cards in exchange for goods and services , not goats and chickens or nothing at all ; love-making takes place indoors in bedrooms , and not outside on the pavement .
3 It is almost impossible to recreate a wedding bouquet completely accurately , as the original bouquet is three-dimensional and not flat like the picture .
4 Instead I consoled myself that Ellen would be pleased , and a pleased Ellen might become my shipmate all the way around the world , so really , I told myself , I was not doing this for the senator 's happiness , and not even for the twins , but for my own , and so I shook the senator 's hand .
5 He had treated her exactly as he 'd said he would , and not even for an instant had Kate had even a bat 's twinkling that he thought of her as an attractive woman .
6 But the shock is nothing to their profound distaste at the circular photocopy letter telling me it was NO — not even signed and not even on a sheet of proper printed letterhead — for a job marketing one of the oldest and most prestigious and national professional bodies !
7 And not even in the land of the troubadours were husbands more tolerant .
8 It concerns relations between people , and not just between the direct land users and the environment .
9 Twenty companies moved this year , 49 are set to go by 1993 and another 23 are considering moving — and not just to the suburbs .
10 However , we will find it of much more use in the context here to conceive of a knowledge worker as someone who actually adds value to the message itself , and not just to the message 's package , by processes of analysis , judgement , and higher-level decision making .
11 General symptoms are symptoms that relate to the whole person in general and not just to the particular site of the problem .
12 Nor should we underestimate the importance of Britain to Europe , for we have much to contribute and not just to the agricultural fund .
13 Yet this was a period when the English Civil War was at its height ; from the coins themselves we would never have suspected that such a large proportion of minting in the war years of 1639–47 was the result of a commercial agreement between the two countries and not just of the high levels of expenditure caused by the war .
14 This is why , before you embark on any kind of anti-drug crusade with your children , you have to be clear where you stand — and not just on the subject of heroin .
15 A pioneer in this department is Ed Kienholz , who some years ago became Ed and Nancy Kienholz and not just on the marriage certificate .
16 My right hon. Friend is to be congratulated on showing that that can happen , and that a further step can be taken towards ’ ever closer union ’ on an intergovernmental basis , and not just on the basis of the treaty of Rome .
17 They 're cashing in , but at least they 're cashing in on the locals and not just on the Leeds .
18 It was obviously a popular haunt — and not just with the boating fraternity — so it was some while before their food was brought to them .
19 Whatever arrangements are made they ought to be convenient for the parents and not just for the school .
20 Exhibitions were all the rage at that time , and not just for the artistic elite of the big cities to the south , much to JTR 's misgivings , obviously .
21 DEC ( Digital ) will only work with educational institutions if the project is of advantage to the broader community and not just for the benefit of the school or college .
22 Music , dance and art are integral to the island 's culture — and not just for the benefit of tourists .
23 The ideal of providing an adequate and satisfying secondary education for all ( and not just for the few who were fortunate enough to be able to pass a selection test at 11 ) seemed close to realisation .
24 As was pointed out earlier , in Chapter 5 , this crime has consequences for mankind as a whole , and not just for the individual in relationship to their own father .
25 And not just for the boys either .
26 This integration of production across national borders tends to increase the overall volume of world trade because a good changes hands at various levels of production and not just at the final stage .
27 They have timed the deal pretty well , and not just from a weather outlook .
28 The user benefits not just from the ability to try a package before paying , and not just from a lower price .
29 There is relatively less emphasis on contact with relatives and relatively more on choosing , making , and keeping friends , often from a fairly wide geographical area and not just from the neighbourhood or street .
30 I think to have a classless society in this country everybody has to be equal and not just from the rich to the poor and the poor to the rich , but also there 's many people in this country who suffer from persecution .
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