Example sentences of "and for [Wh det] [pron] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 The Department 's courses accordingly aim to give an understanding of what German writers and thinkers have had to say in the past of the age and the society within which and for which they wrote and make students familiar with contemporary life and literature , art and film in the German-speaking countries .
2 I am certain that with no additional resource , we can do more for our researchers than provide then with yet another data archive where they can deposit the materials which they developed with inadequate support and for which they got too little recognition .
3 That was all set out in the recent Security Council resolution to which I referred in my reply and for which we voted .
4 The Board 's role had been afforced through its assumption of providing powers under the Bedfordshire scheme and through its close co-operative relationships with the Rural Community Council ( RCC ) in Cambridgeshire and for which it provided a series of courses in that county .
5 This perhaps accounts for the gout from which he suffered in 1771 and for which he collected prescriptions from friends .
6 North 's lawyers claimed that his 1989 trial had been marred by the absence of key witnesses , including former President Reagan , and by the prejudicial effect upon prosecutors , jurors and witnesses of the highly publicized testimony which North had given to the 1987 congressional inquiry , and for which he had been granted immunity from prosecution .
7 He attended many Royal assizes and many quarter sessions and with Sir John Leveson and Lord Cobham he attended musters , which were called to train all able bodied men , and for which he purchased his own suit of armour .
8 The fact that the Queen was pro-German would have been particularly hurtful to the Emperor personally , for only he had not succumbed to the general enthusiasm for a war he had never wanted and for which he feared the country was ill-prepared .
9 To the observer this decision of 1955 looks as hard or harder ; to agree to accept a post which he expected to hate , and for which he regarded himself as unsuitable , and in which he would have to neglect that scholarship which was essential to his happiness and to his sense of vocation and to the reason why he ever became a bishop at all , if the leaders of the Church declared that this was where he was needed .
10 If you shared this assault , you might lose control of your Mamelukes ’ conduct , and for what they did , the King would have an excuse to retaliate .
11 Long into the night he sobbed , weeping for what he had lost , and for what he had become .
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