Example sentences of "and i have [vb pp] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And now that it is 8.58 pm and I have done fifty-eight minutes of work , which I deem to be more than enough for one night I am signing off , because , I 'm lazy .
2 And I have done much that is good as
3 Both Leila and I have done this kind of thing before .
4 Kim McAulisse and I have done some work with her before , as The Strange Girls .
5 And I have done some .
6 For a child without reading books can not learn to read adequately , and I have met many children without reading books and many who could not read .
7 Most of the cavers I have met , and I have met hundreds , have been careful and courageous people who cave for the adventure , challenge and hard physical exercise , and most of whom have a deep appreciation of the beauties of underground limestone .
8 David and I have searched high and low for it
9 My right hon. Friend the Minister of State and I have raised this with our European colleagues .
10 My old friend Fred Emery , who presented the programme from the Falklands , told us — and I have confirmed this from other sources — that the Cabinet is struggling to decide whether to build a new airstrip alongside Stanley 's existing facilities or , as has been hinted at in the Commons , on an entirely new site .
11 And I have indicated some of the negative consequences of pragmatic failure .
12 My colleague John Krebs and I have dubbed this the ‘ life/ dinner principle ’ .
13 Now Dr Winfield — and I have ratified this — made 127 sorties ; he could not have enjoyed his period at the Institute very much because he never seemed to he there , But he would come on a station with some project he wanted to fully research and he believed the only way to fully research these things was to " try them out on the dog " .
14 Er sir you raised a point about erm ponds a bit earlier , and I have obtained some
15 I think this test is equally app ] icable to the decision this court has to make whether a voidable contract has been affirmed or not and I have applied this test in reaching the conclusion I have just expressed .
16 I do not possess any pornographic publications or pictures of couples in lubricious postures , though I am aware that they exist to an ever more proliferating degree , and I have seen these things in Robert 's room and in my agent 's office .
17 Dr Douglas Bennett , a psychiatrist renowned for his commitment to rehabilitation services , remarked that ‘ dust will settle ’ in facilities for continuing care unless there is constant vigilance to maintain standards , and I have seen residential homes , established on the surest clinical foundations with excellent staff , deteriorate within a couple of years to become merely average .
18 And we are fortunate in Oxfordshire , and I have said that before , but all the country is not like Oxfordshire .
19 You know the thing is I feel that when I was tried to get the theatre board and I have contacted various people on the board I have never been listened to .
20 The current culture at British Rail seems to be — and I have heard this said by the chief executive — that freight is not time-sensitive .
21 It may surprise readers but , since I wrote about her recently , Barbara and I have become good friends , so I rang her up to tell her that I would join her for a good gloat .
22 I was only making my living by my own strength , now I ca n't work and I have become disabled . ’
23 I was only making my living by my own strength , now I ca n't work and I have become disabled . ’
24 and I have made many contacts with foreign lawyers , judges , students and journalists .
25 Having worked as an agent , I always take care of Dire straits ' concert bookings and I have made that sort of mistake with them .
26 Would at least the Noble Baroness be prepared to have a look at that what appears to be , and I have made some investigations , a somewhat distressing situation .
27 I have seen Koi survive and thrive in the most unlikely ponds , providing their owners provide knowledgeable TLC , and I have witnessed good carp caught by anglers using rods apparently fit only to support runner beans .
28 But recently my colleagues and I have developed another theory which I think has more interesting implications .
29 Ever since the result of the General Election , I have taken for granted that , on Baldwin 's defeat in the House of Commons , the King would send for Ramsay MacDonald ; and I have deprecated any attempt to prevent his having the same facilities which would be accorded to any Minister entrusted by the Sovereign with the formation of a Government .
30 The decision was Middleton 's , but I will say — and I have repeated this in Australia .
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