Example sentences of "and it can [adv] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Any movement of the mouse will change the pattern that the chip detects and it can instantly calculate how far it has moved in any direction .
2 The subject is unwelcome , and it can surely have had nothing to do with his death . ’
3 A business can not plan without making forecasts , and it can not make forecasts without having some kind of plan to act as a framework for forecasters to use .
4 My collective brain has its limitations , and it can not answer this question off the top of its collective head .
5 That is a glaring and continuing contradiction between its energy and environmental policies , and it can not disguise the fact .
6 Censorship represents a denial of human rights and it can not go unchecked .
7 Now we need to talk a little bit about what happens when the veins or the arteries or the capillaries for that matter , the veins , the arteries or the capillaries have a leak in them , they become broken , now you already know that the circulatory system is a closed system and that the blood can only do its job if it 's being transported within that system , once the blood comes outside of that system then it 's lost the circulation and it can not perform its proper function any more , in other words the body 's losing its blood , okay , what condition do we call it when the circulatory system stops working properly ?
8 An unincorporated association has no legal personality of its own to protect , and it can not bring a " representative action " on behalf of all its members .
9 By reacting in this way , Jane is able to stand back from the situation and it can not hurt her as it used to do .
10 and it can not produce an alternative to a defective police case .
11 It can not , except in a thoroughly perverted form , be a satisfactory instrument for party political indoctrination and it can not live happily in a situation which subjects it continually to the harsher pressures of party political confrontation . ’
12 Switzerland is famously ‘ a country whose only raw material is brains ’ , and it can not afford to upset the chemical and pharmaceutical industries .
13 The Alliance is seriously handicapped by the electoral system and it can not afford any further drain of support caused by separate policies : it is imperative that policy shall be decided at a single gathering .
14 He also failed to protect his people : if anything is clear it is that , and it can not have increased his popularity .
15 The ferret is in the pit and it can not escape .
16 The Mob can not do anything else that turn , it will not move and it can not shoot .
17 It tells you which files belonging to which programs are on your hard disk and it can also compress files .
18 Arguments in favour are that the video recording gives a more complete record because it shows what the lecturer writes on the board or displays on the Overhead Projector and it can also cover any demonstrations that are part of the lecture .
19 This is still possible and it can also go further by sharing and co-operation between schools .
20 However , there is tentative evidence from other studies which suggests that adoption with contact does not prevent attachment to a psychological parent , and it can also help the child to base his developing personal , social , and body identity on the reality of the two sets of parents , that is , the biological and psychological ones .
21 It can confer certain powers and responsibilities upon regional and local authorities , and it can also remove those powers .
22 Motherhood can be a remarkable giver of confidence , and it can also demolish arrogance .
23 do n't get close to a fire — you ca n't feel the heat and it can easily burn you .
24 It is usually left to the parents to finance the shortfall and it can easily cost £10,000 today for a student to attend a three-year higher education course .
25 This is an important point to make , and it can again aid in understanding a distortion which has occurred in the notion of ‘ death instincts ’ in psychoanalytic theory .
26 You can you go to church every Sunday , sing the choruses or the hymns , listen to what the man has to say or the lady has to say at the front , and it can just go over your head and it can mean nothing to you apart from something that you believe might be true .
27 The PTE decides on frequency , and it can even specify — within reason — the timings of the trains it wants .
28 The shark 's hearing is remarkably sensitive , and it can even hear the sounds made by a swimming fish .
29 And it can quickly produce a list of signs that need to be altered for a relief route or during a major road repair .
30 This model has all the advantages of the earlier inflationary models , but it does not depend on a dubious phase transition , and it can moreover give a reasonable size for the fluctuations in the temperature of the microwave background that agrees with observation .
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