Example sentences of "and it be to [det] " in BNC.

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1 It 's a graph of average household size in North Yorkshire , and it 's to that extent it 's an attempt to summarize into one figure , the headship rate effect as it affects average household size .
2 Unfortunately it is also true to say that suicide is very common among the elderly and it is to that subject that we now turn .
3 And it is to that aspect that we shall now turn .
4 As I am satisfied that the judge applied an incorrect test to the foster mother 's application , and was also deprived of material necessary for the proper exercise of his discretion , it follows that we are free to exercise our own discretion and it is to that question that I now turn .
5 And it is to that higher-order state of mind that Learning in higher education must lead .
6 The major lines of objection have come from Quine 's pragmatism and Kuhn 's work on paradigms , and it is to these that we now turn .
7 The circumstances under which the actual change was to take place were cataclysmic , and it is to these that we must now turn .
8 Segmented labour market theories help to explain the disadvantaged position of women and ethnic minorities in employment , and it is to these groups that we now turn .
9 Naturalists still needed illustrations , and it is to these that we shall turn next .
10 The most important of the earlier linguistic works in this area are Buhler , 1934 : 79-148 ; Frei , 1944 ; Fillmore , 1966 ; Lyons , 1968 ; but much of this has been summarized and systematized in Lyons , 1977a , 1977b and Fillmore , 1971b , 1975 , and it is to these latter works that most of what follows is directly indebted .
11 But these studies have had their critics , and it is to some of the key criticisms of them that we now turn in chapter 7 .
12 Other parts of the working ‘ common sense ’ of the police in Easton are the typifications and recipe knowledge which they employ when doing policing , and it is to this that we now turn .
13 If the DUP 's criticisms of ‘ gangsterism ’ have made it unpopular with some sections of the working-class Protestant population , its view on the sabbath and alcohol consumption have further widened the divisions and it is to this sort of issue which I now want to turn .
14 Whether in the case of deconcentration ( where parliamentary control is immediate ) or in that of devolution ( where it is mediate ) Parliament remains the central institution of the constitution of the United Kingdom and it is to this that we now turn .
15 Man is unique among the apes in that he grows a long beard , and it is to this that he owes his superior intelligence
16 Lastly it is most important of all that teachers apply the process of clarification to their own values and their own vision of education , and it is to this issue that we will turn in the next chapter .
17 The next question is then , typically , ‘ But what do you actually do ? ’ and it is to this question that this book is addressed .
18 Whereas word recognition can occur without the skilled reader thinking about it , sentence reconstruction can not , and it is to this component subskill that the reader 's attention should be directed .
19 Sartre said that we must invent the heart of things if we wish one day to discover it , and it is to this end that sensation is the beginning of a transformational process and not an end .
20 Because of the increasing use of complex machinery and sophisticated farming methods , many of those engaged in agriculture require managerial and supervisory skills and it is to this area of provision that the agricultural colleges should be turning in the next few years .
21 The majority of investment expenditure is on fixed capital formation rather than inventories and it is to this that we now turn .
22 There is no continuity , no history , no meaning , and it is to this that Rolt ascribes our feelings of futility and alienation .
23 This may best be done in terms of the LEA 's stated intentions and it is to this purpose that the results of this survey will now be reviewed .
24 We are left with trade in manufactured goods , and it is to this trade on an intra- and extra-basis that we now turn .
25 Since then we have published the timetable for the amalgamation of regiments , and it was to that fact that my right hon. Friends were perfectly fairly drawing attention .
26 He was a funeral ‘ director ’ rather than a furnisher , and it was to this practice that a number of top-rank funeral furnishers working in London looked — Ballard , Dowbiggin & Holland , J.D. Field , A. France & Son , J. Kenyon , Leverton 's and John Nodes — though they were never quite to match his mastery .
27 After one such day , on the journey back , he and his brother Ifor ended up in a nasty fight with several English supporters and it was to this that he traced the beginning of his lifelong , terribly painful and ultimately crushing spinal problems .
28 Yet it emphasizes the close personal bonds which had existed between the dukes of Aquitaine and their vassals : the Pommiers were an ancient family , members of the ducal household , and it was to this kind of traditional relationship that appeal could be made by a largely absentee king-duke at periods of crisis .
29 And it was to this man that almost everyone now turned as the rather quiet , rather cultured , rather interesting , wholly English voice began to speak :
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