Example sentences of "and it [vb mod] not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Ask it to do more than it can and it may not do what it should .
2 A standard paragraph may not always reflect the tone required to deal with a particular enquiry ; it may not be quite appropriate to particular circumstances and it may not feel right to the recipient .
3 But it is also worth while to check up at other times , because there is still a great deal about Epsilon Aurigæ which we do not know , and it may not shine quite steadily at any time .
4 Socially , though , he and Karen , who taught part-time at a girls ' school in Headington , were both from a lower-middle-class , comp/tech background , and it may not have been only the fearsome price of property in the North Oxford heartlands which had put them off moving there .
5 There is also a record of a Spanish ship carrying cloth out of Bristol in the 1460s , and it may not have been untypical , although undoubtedly English vessels were engaged in the Iberian trade .
6 When I last looked , Stephen Edell was the Building Society Ombudsman and it may not cheer the Woolwich to know that he will be getting a copy of this .
7 The Government 's infamous £12 billion road-building programme will , if it goes ahead ( and it may not following the intervention of the European Commission ) , gobble up SSSIs .
8 This rule only applies where the specific listed items have some common feature so that a genus can be identified , and it may not apply where the general word precedes the list .
9 It could 've been any doctor , and it might not 've been a stethoscope .
10 And it might not prove effective .
11 There is an enormous network to feed in ideas making it perfectly possible and it would not cost a lot . ’
12 On other occasions , work is very ‘ peaky ’ and it would not make sense to employ our own staff because they would n't be occupied full-time .
13 When overseas selling operations are only small scale and it would not make economic sense to carry out such operations oneself .
14 Only because it is assumed that if people understood the system in which they were involved they would not put up with it , and it would not go on .
15 Partnership is a more recent concept and it would not fit in too well with the motivations which inspired early industrialists ' and educationalists ' interest in further and higher education .
16 And it would not stop Rab .
17 You could put a glass of water on the window edges and it would not spill over .
18 It grew colder still as the night fell , a crackling frost under a sickle moon , but the coldness did not reach into the Norderns ' flat and it would not have done so even had the central heating broken down , the joy and relief of the family generating enough warmth to melt the polar ice-cap if necessary .
19 However , because of the limited scope of the Act , the east front of the India Office would only be seen at an oblique angle from the narrow King Street , and it would not have the space in front of it , as originally proposed .
20 The government of the day would not be promoting the Bill , and it would not have been allocated time in its legislative programme , unless the government had considered the matter in considerable detail and decided more or less exactly upon the Bill it desired .
21 ‘ Material must have been impregnated with the liquid and it would not have helped put the fire out . ’
22 I was n't going to see Morrissey and at that point the whole of Finsbury Park could have been laughing and it would not have mattered .
23 For the last few hours he had been thinking about James and Kate and the rest of the Mollands , the Salpertons and the Redburns ; and it would not have shocked him if any or all of them who were still alive had turned up unannounced at Number 29 .
24 There was a sense of the primeval about the place , and it would not have surprised me unduly to see a pterodactyl alight clumsily , or a dinosaur emerge from behind the rocks .
25 ‘ You could have fired your drug at Marnya , Deems , and it would not have harmed her .
26 I actually put forward an amendment , to the police authority , whereby we take that er , million pounds o , of pensions , and by a certain amount of slight of hand , it be put back into county balances , and then re-allocated back to the police authority for this year , and that would have added an extra million to the base budget and it would not have cost this county council one extra penny .
27 It would be a waste , and it would not taste very nice either .
28 It would protect all those persons in Hollins v. Fowler who merely handled the cotton ministerially , such as a carrier who merely received and delivered the goods in the ordinary way and it would not save the man who had sold the cotton to another .
29 ‘ Rain is forecast and it would not take too much more to have the meeting cancelled , ’ said Plumpton clerk of the course Cliff Griggs yesterday , while overnight rain would also put Sedgefield in jeopardy .
30 If the Iran operation took predicates that were illusory — in sum , that arms could be bartered for hostages with an enemy regime , and it would not look like that — the operation to support the Nicaraguan contras had an equally doubtful premise .
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