Example sentences of "and have [verb] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Bank of Ireland recently issued a circular regarding the above loans and has stated that they now wish to take a charge over the deeds of the home and the cost of this charge is to be borne by members of the Association .
2 It has refused to allow inspection by the International Atomic Energy Agency of two suspected nuclear sites , and has announced that it will pull out of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty ( NPT ) in June .
3 United Technologies , producers of armaments , elevators , etc. , lost $1.02 billion on revenues of $21.26 billion in 1991 and has announced that it will drop its arts sponsorship programme .
4 The Select Committee has taken an interest and has recognised that we have fully funded the programme that we set out .
5 I note that the Labour party knows better than the Milk Marketing Board and has said that it would not help the Milk Marketing Board to get the reform that is necessary for British farmers and British consumers .
6 However , the Audit Commission has challenged that figure , and has said that it would be nearer 50 per cent .
7 That means she 's had one and has realized that she 's wet .
8 Penning-Rowsell ( 1981 ) has provided an excellent review of the literature during this period , and has concluded that it saw a sustained attempt to devise techniques for the quantification of the scenic quality or value of landscapes .
9 He is backed by another director , Nigel Burrows , and has indicated that he would install Bobby Charlton as chairman if he wins control of the club .
10 THE REPLACEMENTS ' singer Paul Westerberg is about to begin work on his first solo LP , and has indicated that he has no plans to return to the group .
11 The government has not so far given ground on Mozambique , and has insisted that it is committed to keeping its troops in Cambodia .
12 Research over the past decade has led to remarkable advances in our understanding of these acid-base transport systems and has established that they have several major physiological roles .
13 One leading proponent , J.B. Thornes , in contributing to an interdisciplinary symposium in Geography , Archaeology and Environment , affirmed that palaeoenvironmental reconstructions are crucial if the understanding of the ecology of past societies is to be substantially improved ( Thornes , 1983a ) and elsewhere ( Thornes , 1983b ) has advocated evolutionary geomorphology and has anticipated that it will produce major new insights into historical problems such as river terrace formation and his proposal is considered more fully in chapter 8 ( p. 182 ) .
14 Mr Tam Bayoumi has calculated the average size of capital flows each year in the major economies under the Gold Standard from 1880 to 1913 , and has shown that they were much larger than during the post-war period from 1965 to 1986 .
15 Finally the chapter has described the achieved action and control samples and has shown that they were well matched and that the response rate was good .
16 Manager 's Signature : the signature of the New OED Project Director to indicate that he is aware of the change and has agreed that it is needed .
17 Zacco is back in the Palace , and has agreed that you stay ? ’
18 Intuition is not enough when a school has to give assurances of quality and has to prove that it can control that quality .
19 The Soviet Union has reclassified three army divisions , all with heavy equipment , as naval forces , and has claimed that they are thereby excluded from the terms of the treaty : a trick the West calls cheating .
20 D. B. MacDonald has speculated on the difficult question of the origin of this view in Islam and has suggested that it arose from a Muslim heresy ‘ in that dark but intense period of theological and intellectual development which stretched from the death of Muhammad for at least two and a half centuries ’ .
21 He [ sic ] knows something which the party of the second part does not know and has to admit that he does not know …
22 In addition the Commission has recently been given the power to adopt block exemptions in the insurance sector and to consortia agreements in sea transport and has proposed that it be granted powers to introduce block exemptions relating to air transport between the Community and third countries .
23 She made a very positive effort to be the right kind of person to be around — in other words , she was not a liability , she was an asset , an extremely good cook and a very good organiser , and having discovered that we both went to the same school in Switzerland where French was the main language taught , we would enjoy talking to each other in French , much to the annoyance of David who could n't understand the language . ’
24 Moreover , in some classrooms where teachers asked many questions , their pupils were able to ask relatively few , and having done so they might risk having their questions blocked or marginalized .
25 Taylor was reported to have protested at the arrival in Monrovia in mid-February of 10 Nigerian air force fighter planes , and to have warned that he would continue to oppose Sawyer 's interim government and the presence of ECOMOG .
26 Mexico had taken the initiative for this round of talks and had indicated that it would like to see an agreement signed within a year , although ministers were careful not to commit themselves to deadlines .
27 By the end of February he was on a second hours ' exercise , and Sister Cooney , who had watched his restless pacing and had seen that he was bored , found him some light work to do .
28 A spokesman for the Coxwell Hall private nursing home sayy the trees are on clay foundations and had to go because they were a potential danger to residents and school pupils .
29 She went swiftly over to the door and had gone before he could answer .
30 She 'd called the police , and had to wait while they took statements , and things .
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