Example sentences of "and in [noun] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It will never be superseded in this world or the next and in Paradise the blessed will practise archery .
2 And in rehearsal the other two actors have been making the running .
3 In Australia under the compulsory arbitration system , the peak employers ' confederation ( CAI ) makes representations before the wage hearings of the Federal Arbitration Commission ; and in Israel the central body represents its member firms before the Labour Courts .
4 These difficulties contrast with the relative ease with which larger firms can obtain investment funds and in Japan the differential access to sources of finance is very significant .
5 There are , of course , problems with measuring and interpreting trade union membership since in the United States , for example , some professional bodies may not call themselves trade unions although they engage in bargaining activities and in France the only source of such statistics is from the unions themselves ( or , indirectly , via the support given to the various unions in elections for enterprise committees ) .
6 However the ETUC had begun to press the need for the development of an active social policy in the late 1960s , and in response the first Quadripartite Conference , involving representatives of the Commission , Ministers of Labour , employers and employees , was held in Luxembourg in 1970 .
7 As we all know , there is still great prejudice among speakers of RP against other accents such as Cockney , and in England the correct accent is a mark of social acceptability .
8 All I can say is that it was edited by two women , it 's being promoted by a third , it 's being marketed by a fourth , the rights were sold by a fifth , and in Britain the serial rights were bought by a sixth .
9 In many cities traffic speeds are now slower than they were in the age of the horse , and in California the average speed is expected to drop for 53 kilometres per hour now to 24 by 2000 .
10 In January 1793 the King of France was executed by the Jacobins and in February the French republic declared war on England .
11 Late in January news bulletins mentioned the Anzio landing in which they knew the Irish Guards were taking part and in February the dreaded news came that Joe had been wounded .
12 Second , the activities of Maule Ramsay and the two secret societies he was connected with , the Right Club and NL , and his links with Mosley in 1939 — 40 , were to be responsible for the internment of many fascists without trial in the Second World War , and in part the mutual recriminations between Mosleyites and racial nationalists which fragmented the revival of the tradition after 1945 .
13 Dogs in REM sleep sometimes move their legs as if running , and in monkeys the whole face may writhe and twitch .
14 The contents also are not typical of the usual manuscript anthology of the period , since they include a complete set ( the keyboard part of Rameau 's Pièces de clavecin en concerts ) , and in addition the greater part of Rameau 's solo harpsichord pieces .
15 Table 2 shows the differences among the schools and in addition the seasonal variation .
16 Lisa Milroy has not exhibited new paintings in London since 1988 when she showed with Nicola Jacobs , although there was a museum exhibition at Glasgow 's Third Eye Centre and in Southampton the following year .
17 There was blood everywhere and in minutes the whole scene looked like Custer 's Last Stand .
18 By this time , 1940 , the German army had overrun France , and in Europe the normal assessment of new drugs was made subordinate to military needs .
19 At the end of August the Soviet authorities eased restrictions on Japanese visits to family graves on Etorofu , the most militarily sensitive and least accessible of the four islands , and in September the Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze visited Japan and suggested that his government was prepared to negotiate over the Northern Territories .
20 In the Soviet Union the early post-revolutionary years saw a flowering of creativity ; Le Corbusier had novel ideas on the construction of cities and from 1922 onwards in presentations , conferences and publications he attracted a world-wide following ; and in Germany the social housing programme of the Weimar Bauhaus , directed by Gropius , was architecturally distinctive , and in Frankfurt on Main the housing estates of Ernst May attracted great interest .
21 At an informal level , they had not wholly lacked it before ; £3000 had been sent to them in August 1559 , and in January the English Admiral Winter had appeared in the forth , officially searching for pirates but actually cutting the French troops ' line of communication between their strongholds in Fife and Leith .
22 An active secondary market in which shareholders who have access to information about the company and are able to deal freely , will lead to share prices accurately reflecting the companies prospects and in turn the accurate pricing of new issues .
23 So Ruth made the rich mixture and in turn the three of them stirred it , reciting meanwhile the collect for the Sunday before Advent .
24 Lexical edges are labelled with the orthographic form , and in brackets the syntactic label associated with the hypothesized word .
25 Norfolk police , too , reported that the flood waters were abating and in Kent the high tide came and went with no need for evacuation .
26 By 1913–14 , over £25,000 was being given away in this manner and in return the Central Office agents were able to ensure the appointment of suitable constituency agents and the choice of good candidate The outlay constituted only about a tenth of the whole of the local parties " expenditure , but a much higher proportion of the expenditure of the backward parties most in need of reform .
27 Henry became successor to the Burghley estate and in return the ninth Earl settled his younger brother 's debts .
28 In 1983 , however , it seems that Pakistan did not seriously test Soviet terms for a withdrawal of forces from Afghanistan , and in May the Pakistani Foreign Minister failed to obtain the concurrence of the United States for the draft settlement reached the previous month .
29 In July 1992 , the Government finally produced its White Paper ‘ New Opportunities for the Railways ’ and in October the first consultation document ‘ The Franchising of Passenger Rail Services ’ appeared .
30 The socialist government announced tougher measures against illegal immigrants in July [ see p. 38354 ] and in October the National Assembly approved legislation restricting illegal immigration [ see p. 38544 ] .
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