Example sentences of "and be [adv] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 AFTER 16 years of marriage we are splitting up and are both agreed that it is the best thing to do .
2 I like I 'm sure others , once the issues were published for the E I P , took advice from the Home Secretary and were simply advised that the location that that we should give evidence on locational matters to the E I P and that is what we have done .
3 In yet another school we observed science lessons using a topic approach in the library and were reliably informed that the proposed project purchase in this subject was precisely for this kind of use .
4 ‘ Is n't it also unacceptable that it took the management of British Nuclear Fuels longer than one might expect to make this incident public , especially bearing in mind that Dr Lewis Moonie [ a Labour front-bencher ] and I actually visited this site on Thursday and Friday of last week and were not informed that these excessive discharges had taken place ? ’
5 They had ceased operations in February 1992 on the basis of government 's pledges to provide land and credits , and were now demanding that these pledges be honoured .
6 These were furnished with fountains , seats , grass and trees and were so organized that nearly every quartier of Paris could give its inhabitants a place for relaxation .
7 John , in his Gospel , seems to be following the date set by the Sadducees and is therefore saying that Passover day was on the Sabbath , the day after the crucifixion .
8 The Minister is backing away from the commitment that the Scottish Transport Group and the Government gave , and is now saying that the money must go back into the Treasury 's coffers .
9 During that time he was ordered by gang members to shave off his beard to change his appearance and was again threatened that his family would be harmed if he did not do as he was told .
10 He was taught unarmed combat by a former plumber , and was later told that the famous novelist Gerald Kersh gave lessons in how to kill a man in total silence using only a handkerchief or a bunch of keys .
11 Frederica thought he was being philistine and was later to learn that he was being simply truthful .
12 By the time the main course arrived — an unappetizing leg of chicken in breadcrumbs accompanied by boiled sprouts — Loretta had done a complete U-turn and was fervently hoping that Koogan would consent to lend them a key .
13 Alix 's mother , broad-minded though she was , did not approve of Catholicism , and was hardly to know that Esther was Jewish .
14 She had worked for him and her mother in a variety of businesses and was always assured that she would inherit his estate when he died .
15 He did so now , read it , and was so disturbed that he had to drop into Cat 's Coffee Shop to sit down .
16 ‘ Right , Jimmy , ’ she said , her eyes on the papers in her hand , and was about to add that they 'd start with the paperwork he 'd collected , when a voice that definitely was n't Jimmy 's cut in .
17 ‘ Of course I 'll take you , ’ Fabia replied without hesitation , and was about to add that she would be on the same flight with her when she was halted by a change in Cara 's expression .
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