Example sentences of "and the [noun sg] that she " in BNC.

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1 Good food , plenty of sleep , and the knowledge that she was really wanted and loved gave her face a serenity it had never had before .
2 There was no fear in her eyes : only hatred , and the knowledge that she could never , ever die .
3 That , and the discovery that she could not bear a man near her in the early days after the rape ; so she had feigned an illness , explained as the consequence of her breaking her engagement with Havvie , which , of course , had caused an immense furore inside and outside of society , and Mama and Papa had put off their visit to England , and sent her loving letters , for she had written that she had discovered that she did not really love Havvie at all , had merely been beglamoured by his appearance , name and title .
4 But she wondered if , even given time and the success that she was hoping for , he might ever come to feel the same way about her .
5 Probably nothing , he was thinking , she 's only winding me up , and the thought that she was gave him a pleasurable kick .
6 Er , in double income families , certainly in double income families , surely the wife 's gon na have more control over the money that she earns and the money that she can use ?
7 If necessary , Havvie Blaine would have married a one-eyed dwarf to restore their fortunes , but luck was with him — he had Sally-Anne Tunstall in his sights , and the hope that she and her papa might not enquire too carefully into the Innescourt means , and if they did , why , transforming the daughter of a vulgar American robber-baron into Great Britain 's premier duchess was surely worth a dollar or two .
8 She knew what he was looking at — the pile of birthday cards on the kitchen table , and the letter that she had just started to rip open when he had first thumped on her door .
9 And the allegation that she had been disloyal to anyone was very firmly refuted . ’
10 Perhaps it was because he did not defer to her , flatter her , praise her beauty and her charm , admire her ready wit , as all the men she had known before had done , when what they really liked and deferred to was the knowledge of her father 's immense fortune and the certainty that she was sure to inherit a great part of it .
11 Although Linda is not the youngest child to receive a liver , the Addenbrooke 's team carried out a successful transplant on a seven-month-old baby two years ago , her size and the fact that she has received previous surgery for her condition complicated the procedure .
12 Second , Mary was there of her own right , and the fact that she is mentioned first probably indicates that she knew the family very well .
13 He relaxed her and told her that he quite appreciated her anxiety and fear , and the fact that she was experiencing so much pain .
14 Dinah thanked her salary for the latter 's white-painted existence , and the fact that she had thrashed Lilian enough to ensure silence among the rest .
15 Pulling out a small pen torch he illuminated Chrissie 's small car , its green paintwork dulled with dust and the fact that she had n't cleaned or waxed it for months .
16 He loved her humour and the fact that she treated him as an equal , although their business was always conducted on the most formal lines .
17 erm when I was looking at this , this picture of the , of the Brettan Girls , I erm , I was really particularly struck by the bo , the mild head of one of the dancers and the fact that she was rubbing her , her heal , erm and it gave me a voice for , for this poem , I was also drawn by the dismissal , there 's a goose in the painting , there 's four , four geese and one of them is dismissing the , the , the winner outright and erm I found his look very , very interesting and , and I could n't help but compare the lies of these four dancers with those within erm from the later period as the eye that , that , that Gaugin painted later on .
18 And the fact that she was taking time off with her dyke lover offered more flexibility , more opportunities for invention .
19 She seemed to find it difficult to make friends , and the fact that she hardly ever wandered far from the house only added to her loneliness .
20 Dreamily she thought of Bella , and the fact that she was Johnny 's wife , and the fact , also , that if she accepted Johnny as real then all these other people were real too and not , as she had liked to pretend , fictional characters in some book that she was reading .
21 That and the fact that she had managed to stir all those self-doubts that had been hovering at the back of her mind .
22 And the fact that she had sent him away before he 'd had time to betray her was cold comfort , set against the enormity of that loss .
23 But the luxurious tropical oasis that was the Hamiltons ' house , and the fact that she saw Tom every day and had become friends with him , had led her to drop her guard without fully realising that she had done so , and now she was utterly vulnerable to him .
24 Because of her husband 's matrimonial adventures and the fact that she was by no means the only Lady Selvedge she was usually known as Lady ( Muriel ) Selvedge .
25 He was so cool now , so calm , and the fact that she was feeling utterly wretched did not bother him a bit .
26 He did not love her , but she would make a remarkable duchess , and the fact that she had inherited more than her share of her papa 's famous shrewdness was a bonus which would assist the Blaines and make their future secure .
27 He was instantly taken by the oozy Frenchness of her and the fact that she looked so much like himself .
28 And the fact that she wanted nothing more than to entrust herself to fitzAlan 's protection made her nervousness all the more acute .
29 The plaintiff suffered shock and severe gastro-enteritis as a result of the revolting sight and the fact that she had already swallowed some of the ginger beer .
30 She was a career woman — and the fact that she 'd found herself actually enjoying looking after the children , and doing the cooking , was neither here nor there !
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