Example sentences of "and the [noun sg] [noun] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Motif is slower than Windows but Bristol 's marketing vice president , Jean Blackwell , says there is no degradation and the software experiences a performance gain because it is now running on a Unix box .
2 The elders started to investigate Quigley and the Church funds the day after Pike 's death .
3 The reason for this is that the first layer atoms are shadowed by their neighbours along these principal axes and the projectile experiences a continuous potential that focuses it into a specular direction — ie θ = 2α .
4 The National Service League ran the campaign for conscription and the Navy League the campaign for faster naval building , but both were led by known Unionists .
5 Even prior to rate capping and the poll tax the United Kingdom had the most centralised revenue structure in the western world , with the exception of France and Belgium .
6 That woman canes the girls , and the man birches the boys , and sometimes they ca n't sit down all day .
7 The incident triggers a publicity bombshell and the government despatches a senior policeman , Peter Kerrigan ( Brian Cox ) , to head an investigation but his arrival in the Province is met with obstruction and hostility by the security forces .
8 and the thrush types an
9 The Queen Galadriel of Lothlorien gives Sam seeds for the remaking of the Shire and the tree creatures the Ents punish Saruman because of the destruction he has caused .
10 And she smiled so nicely at Inchbad and Goibniu that everyone smiled back and thought it would be really very interesting to hear about some of the strange lands and the faraway worlds the Humans had visited from the great Feargach Grian , and also that it was always a shame to eat Humans when they were pretty and young and friendly .
11 Enfleurage is one method of doing this , by making a kind of sandwich with purified fat forming the " bread " , and the flower petals the contents of the sandwich .
12 I think he sees in you and the hotel industry the opportunity to be part of a glamorous , high-profile business , and one his hard-faced wife would approve of .
13 The swimming pool complex is three minutes away , and the village centre an easy five minute walk .
14 Consider also the word minimum and the candidate letters a recogniser might produce for it .
15 Thus on the IBM 370 range , double.length fixed point binary operands ( such as for multiplication and division ) are held in a pair of consecutive accumulators , and the instruction species the lower numbered accumulator of the pair ; since the effective MQ register is an accumulator , we can use any of the computer 's instruction set to manipulate it .
16 Suddenly the sea was sparkling and the golf course a glittering green .
17 Swinton proposed that BOAC and interested railway companies should operate the European airline , and BOAC and the shipping companies the South American airline .
18 As it did the benches became the benches they had always been , and the litter bin no more than it simply was .
19 As with the composting toilet and the pit latrine no water is needed with this system .
20 Sadly , the mill and house were destroyed by fire in 1933 , but from these ashes and the insurance money a modern mill was built incorporating the first Californian press imported into the country .
21 Something operatic when the D'OYLY CARTE OPERA COMPANY present the most popular of all operas , THE MIKADO , and the adventure romance THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD .
22 Everywhere and all over the vault of heaven is a marvellous blue , and the sun sheds a radiance of pale sulphur , and it is soft and lovely as the combination of heavenly blues and yellows in a Van der Meer of Delft [ sic ] .
23 Republican budgets would get 70 per cent of receipts from the sales tax , and the union budget the remaining 30 per cent .
24 The CPC-6128 comes with a built-in 3-inch disc drive and colour monitor for £400 , which again makes an Atari ST a better buy , and the Commodore Amiga a tempting alternative .
25 Psychoanalytic theory operated from early on in its development with the assumption that there was an interplay between the degree of bisexuality given in the constitution of individuals , and the socialization experiences the child underwent in its family circumstances .
26 You 'll see the knit movement going one way and the tuck movement the other .
27 Following the grant of such leave , the local authority served on J. 's parents , the Official Solicitor as J. 's guardian ad litem and the health authority an originating summons claiming the court 's determination of that issue .
28 All figures that we 've produced and are producing in respect of commitments and the policy element the Greater York policy element of policy H one , relate to within the area defined as Greater York through the Greater York .
29 The federation believes that 53,000 jobs in engineering will disappear next year — a fall of 2.5 per cent — with mechanical and electrical engineering and the car industry the worst affected .
30 Both groups are then observed ( S 1 T 1 , S 2 T 1 ) , the experimental group receives X and the control group no treatment , then both are observed again ( S 1 T 2 , S 2 T 2 ) .
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