Example sentences of "and [vb -s] it in [art] " in BNC.

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1 It 's more a case of conceptual comedy that takes a topical theme like the travellers and tackles it in a right-on way , trying to draw the humour from it .
2 The operation of the wheel is unusual , being a variation on the overshot type in which water falls on to the top of the wheel and turns it in the same direction as the water 's flow .
3 Measure for Measure takes this basic pattern and develops it in a new direction .
4 Other patients give a negative skin-prick test but respond positively to an intradermal test ( see p 288 ) , which is more ‘ sensitive ’ because it uses more antigen and places it in a deeper layer of the skin .
5 This product grabs Windows by the lapels and uses it in a whole new way .
6 This is the earliest known picture of the house , and shows it in the first half of the nineteenth century before the ground level at the front of the building was raised
7 In fact I suggest John Major snips it out , frames it and hangs it in the Cabinet room to remind himself and some of his more heartless colleagues of just how much Belinda and hundreds of other children need this wonderful hospital .
8 Of course , when a microbiologist takes E. coli out of its usual habitat and grows it in a laboratory , the strain eventually mutates .
9 It then borrows the capital required and invests it in the asset .
10 The Stock Exchange disseminates information , and reflects it in the share price .
11 Aside from that , it 's a system that adopts a metaphor that everyone is familiar with and implements it in an intuitive way .
12 He started his tour in Cantyre and only saw Islay from " the lumbering old coach which still runs between Campbeltown and Tarbert " and dismisses it in a single page of material which he could have taken from anywhere .
13 He started his tour in Cantyre and only saw Islay from " the lumbering old coach which still runs between Campbeltown and Tarbert " and dismisses it in a single page of material which he could have taken from anywhere .
14 The author has condensed a great deal of material into just over 400 pages and presents it in a reasonably readable style .
15 Draws together much of the recent scholarship on Degas , both art historical and technical , and presents it in a readable but sophisticated manner .
16 If the answer is No the network returns to the first activity and reconsiders it in the light of the objections raised in the question lozenge .
17 It makes meaningful an analysis of the level ( or levels ) of ideology and relates it in a non-reductive way to the economic base — the mode of production .
18 A statement that something does not happen both creates an event and abolishes it in the same act ( 1976k:21–2 ) .
19 BSL therefore stores story information and re-tells it in a way which would occur for all languages , but spoken language surface structure ( reflecting only a specific point in time and context ) would tend to hide this in its effort for reconstruction of meaning .
20 Yes , she comes and collects it in a week 's time .
21 ‘ We gets what we want and puts it in the freezer — got no use for shoppin' us . ’
22 I put the pen in his hand and he marks it himself and puts it in the box . ’
23 Business Direct from Midland relieves you and your staff of all the hassle involved with travel booking and puts it in the hands of the world 's leading travel organisation — Thomas Cook — a member of Midland Group .
24 And throws it all in puts it all on the plate cold and puts it in the microwave .
25 This production , which updates the play and sets it in the sixties , toured the Continent and gave our company the reputation it now enjoys there .
26 And rolls it in the Clover
27 The Beowulf -poet often ascribes events to wyrd , and treats it in a way as a supernatural force .
28 Sites ' demonstration takes a simple piece of Mandelbrot-plotting code written for the Intel machine and runs it in a variety of ways on the Alpha machine .
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