Example sentences of "and [vb -s] from [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There are now several benefits — family credit , free school meals , housing benefit and grants from the Social Fund , for example — that can help families in financial need , but the processes of application and appeal for these are complex enough to warrant the assistance of social workers in many instances .
2 Usually they cleared underbrush and weeds from the rubber groves from one o'clock until sunset , but the new quotas ordered by Duclos that morning meant they had to tap and collect from more than a hundred extra trees through the hot afternoon although their energies were largely spent .
3 Crawford returned to repertory work to be there for the first three months , appearing alongside stars such as Leo McKern , who had turned down two films and offers from the National Theatre and the Royal Shakespeare Company to go to Nottingham , and classical actor John Neville , who had just starred in Alfie on the London stage and was giving up 200-a-week West End rates for the 20 to 50 Playhouse level .
4 It 's worth recording that alongside NRA 's regular monitoring of ICI 's ‘ consent ’ discharges , ICI itself carries out nearly two thousand analyses each month on contents from its outfalls and drains from the three Teesside production sites .
5 Many illustrations described as woodcuts are not , strictly speaking , woodcuts at all since , from about 1830 , it became common to make stereotypes and electrotypes from the original wood blocks , which would stand up to only comparatively small editions .
6 Happy as a Sandbag , A musical review of the 1940s , which opens tonight , features songs , dances and acts from the Second World War .
7 It also eats grass and benefits from a regular supply of green vegetables in its diet .
8 ″ ) is light , stiff and benefits from the straight throat beam ( STB ) design which helps to prevent the racket twisting after off centre hits .
9 Bitter chocolate may be added to meat sauces for extra flavour — it sounds odd but it is very good and originates from a traditional Mexican dish of turkey cooked with very hot peppers , the chocolate being added to slightly sweeten and round the sauce .
10 And sundews from the same area .
11 The suits , jackets , trousers , shirts and ties from the Paris-based Japanese designer have been a mainstay of the shop for some 10 years .
12 ‘ Hydrogen peroxide enteritis ’ can mimic an acute ulcerative , ischaemic , or pseudomembranous colitis and ranges from a reversible , clinically silent process to an acute , toxic fulminant colitis associated with perforation and death .
13 He has elevated inscriptions to a new seriousness because the wording of his own work is not bland and ranges from the delphic to the painfully controversial .
14 A similar greeting evoked a series of grunts and groans from the neighbouring tent .
15 When results began to come in from the field researchers , Highlander served as the collection , organisation and computation centre , and held workshops to allow participants to draw some very marked comparisons and contrasts from the raw data .
16 The first view we can call the " empiricist " , and derives from a philosophical tradition which reaches back as far as Aristotle and runs through more historically recent figures such as Bacon , Locke , Hume , J.S. Mill , and , in the twentieth century , the logical positivists and , latterly , the neo-realists .
17 In another work , a lesbian , Marga Gomez , ‘ rewrites the Bible , battles extortionists , and reads from the lost journals of Anais Nin , on the eve of her appearance on a television talk show as an ‘ adult female homosexual ’ ’ ’ .
18 The darkness of the beginning of the poem is suddenly illuminated to a ‘ low stream-line brightness ’ towards the end when she picks up speed and moves from a misty , black and yet dignified depression to a kind of elation .
19 For the special Christmas episode , ‘ The Feast of Steven ’ , an episode never screened abroad , Camfield wanted to use the main actors and sets from the popular Z Cars series ( including Brian Blessed , Colin Welland and James Ellis ) in cameo appearances .
20 The oral shield has an irregular shape , although it may sometimes be hourglass shaped , and extends from the oral frame on to the interradial area .
21 From then one we are taken through a Druids ' Grove to consider swords , war trumpets , and the bronze shield cover discovered in the River Witham in Lincolnshire and dates from the second century BC .
22 This brick building replaces a stone Romanesque cathedral and dates from the thirteenth century onwards ( 565 ) .
23 This is on a square plan and dates from the ninth century .
24 The cross is a masterpiece of red jasper , gold , gilded silver and jewels and dates from the eleventh or twelfth-centuries .
25 The nave arcade , with its capitals and columns , is the most interesting and dates from the eleventh century ( 401 ) .
26 item No 2 : is a candle snuffer of the type used with a candle dish and dates from the late 18th century .
27 The illustrated example was also found in Hertfordshire , and dates from the late 1st or early 2nd century AD .
28 The building is brick and dates from the fourteenth century , though with later fenestration and entrance doorway .
29 It is a substantial brick watermill , and dates from the seventeenth century .
30 The Trondheim episcopal palace adjoins the cathedral and dates from the twelfth century .
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