Example sentences of "and [vb infin] [adv] [pron] be " in BNC.

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1 can go out and think well I 'm gon na pick up six hundred pound today
2 You you walk round the flats , and you know , you walk round them for fourteen months , and all of a sudden you have to stop and think where you are .
3 and you did n't mean to do it Cliff meant to mess about and make out he 's gon na knock his coat over like that
4 I , I think that 's again going to be part of it because that is certainly I mean a major reason why er a lot of peasant societies have large families , but we 'd still have to try and explain why it was that in this period , presumably so very much more of those children were surviving than had been the case earlier .
5 This means that if one sibling helps another to survive and reproduce then it is ensuring the further spread of its genes within future generations .
6 I 'll , I 'll go and see where he is , and say , you know That washing up and everything wants doing before tonight so you , so if you 're gon na say oh , we 're open tonight and the place still looks like a pig stye !
7 Well he was probably actually hammering on the door now to er come and see where he 's going to put his ladders , he wanted er a bit of wall to put the brackets up to put his ladders but Paul said that he Paul thought you could suspend ropes from my garage roof , you remember what a lot of criss-cross bracing there is
8 You do n't want me to come and see how you 're getting on
9 ‘ I was passing and I thought I 'd just pop in and see how you were . ’
10 " I hope you do n't mind me coming up — I thought I 'd just come and see how you were , and perhaps sit and chat with you for a while "
11 ‘ Well , I happened to be in the UK , ’ he said briskly , ‘ so I thought I 'd drop by and see how you were doing .
12 I thought I better call and see how you were doing
13 I thought I better call and see how you were doing , now we know
14 Well Grant should have tape loaded by now so I suppose I 'd better go and see how he 's getting on .
15 She decided that she would drop in and see how he was .
16 I have to wait and see how I 'm going to do further .
17 I 'll go up and see how she is .
18 At times , I just take a breather , actually stop and say , yeah hang on a minute , let's just walk through and work out what 's going on .
19 When Svidrigailov and Porfiry , who never meet — bold again — and who have nothing to do with each other , both tell Raskolnikov that a man needs air , my business is to try and suggest how it is that Dostoevsky 's reader finds himself in immediate dual touch with a Petersburg july day and a universal truth .
20 To diagnose and intervene appropriately it is often necessary to be able to evaluate the complete gastrointestinal tract .
21 I said no I was home sick and I in bed like you said I could n't who 's gon na turn round and say well there are Geoff there 's a hundred quid mate
22 Cos you ca n't go and say well I 'm only going for a couple of weeks !
23 Cos it makes for a lot of you know if you do n't have and say well I 'm not going to put in my feet anyway .
24 Now at this juncture here you would n't actually say what products you 're gon na do , cos you 're not gon na go back and say well I 'm thinking of er two hundred thousand pounds of convertible term assurance and we 're looking personal pension plan , but you 'll tell the guy you 're gon na go back to the branch , we 've got a variety of different things sir and what I wan na do is to go back to the branch and work on one or two ideas for you and then present them to you at some time in the future .
25 Well , you do n't wan na worry about them because at the end of the day , I mean if if that was absolutely desperate I shall turn round and say well I 'm sorry I 've bloody got to and that 's it !
26 Because if we ca n't generalize then I , perhaps I should be talking about British foreign policy or Iranian foreign policy or South African foreign policy are there generalizations we can make and say well it is similar for all governments ?
27 A lot of people would turn round and say Right I 'm a lorry driver and I I leave a nice gap .
28 Thus I might say to someone " Let's go and find out which is the oldest tree in the park " , without fearing that I may have said something unintelligible just because neither of us is certain what the outcome of our search will be .
29 It 's when you 've been flying them for a few days consecutively that it ( pardon the pun ) dawns on them that they could escape and find out what 's over the next hill .
30 To try and find out what 's going on .
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