Example sentences of "and [to-vb] [pers pn] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The broad aim was to assist colleges with the monitoring of their performance and to enable them to demonstrate to both LEAs and central government that they were cost effective .
2 Gradually there was added a whole range of extra payments to give doctors financial inducements to provide adequate surgery facilities and to encourage them to practise in unpopular industrial and inner-city areas , and in remote rural areas .
3 To inform teachers , lecturers and other academics of the work of AI and to encourage them to campaign on behalf of their colleagues around the world who have become the victims of human rights abuse .
4 If children were egocentric , the capacity to sustain an effective dialogue would be impossible , for this requires the ability to switch speaker and listener roles constantly , to monitor the effects of one 's messages , and to modify them according to feedback received from the listener .
5 But the influence of one mind over another is very subtle , and of all influences religious influence is the most dangerous and the most powerful , and to counteract it courts of equity have gone very far .
6 In this connection it is interesting to go back to William Smith , the father of stratigraphy , and to find him commenting in his memoir to the first geological map in 1815 : " The edges of the strata … are called their outcrops ; and the under edge of every stratum , being the top of the next , and that being generally the best defined , is represented by the fullest part of each colour " .
7 Prices have tumbles over the past two years , and to tempt you to part with your cash , software companies are bundling their packages with more and more freebies : tons of clip-art , hundreds of fonts , utilities , you name it .
8 She has to know how to deliver appropriate information to the patient , to overcome the neurological deficit which is the result of the brain damage , and to help him react in the way she wishes by producing carefully controlled movements .
9 Sarah likes to build up a relationship with a woman before she has her baby , using acupuncture to relax her , to treat any pregnancy ailments and to help her recover after the birth .
10 Now it seems to me obvious that there is such a problem , er and to deny it seems to me to be to be denying the obvious .
11 He seems to be playing really well at the moment and to let him go at this stage would be killing shooting ourselves in the foot .
12 The needs of people to learn the language which is not speech , and to use it to interpret for members of the deaf community , test these theories to their limits .
13 I decided to take a lot of the fruit , and to put it to dry in the sun for a time .
14 Maternity Rights The law now places legal obligations on employers to pay women [ who qualify under the statutory rules ] on maternity leave and to allow them to return to work afterwards .
15 Secondly , the Director of Social Services has got the authority to waive any of these charges where it causes financial hardship and the whole mechanism has been put in place to inform people that this waiving waiver process is in place and to allow them to apply for waiving of those charges .
16 A widely used method of smoke generation is to evaporate paraffin , or a similar oil , and to allow it to recondense as fine droplets .
17 A die-hard SVR4 advocate , Tandem is interested in seeing its fault-tolerant enablers incorporated in the base operating system to save it from having to re-invent the wheel each time a revision is done and to allow it to focus on true value-added differentiators .
18 Whilst the conflict over Reagan 's diaries was in progress , a parallel struggle was being fought over Poindexter 's efforts to subpoena Reagan as a witness and to force him to testify in person at the trial .
19 Bryan 's aim was to wean us off complete reliance on precise diagnostic features , and to get us to concentrate on the ‘ Personality ’ of each species ; on the way it holds itself , feeds , moves , calls ; its general behaviour and first glance appearance — ‘ jizz ’ for short .
20 And to think we have to be seen by the world to be arm in arm with them .
21 The General Assembly on Sept. 22 voted by 127 votes to six ( Kenya , Swaziland , Tanzania , Yugoslavia , Zambia and Zimbabwe ) with 26 abstentions , to exclude the FRY from its proceedings and to ask it to apply for UN membership , rather than accepting its claim to succeed automatically to the General Assembly seat formerly held by the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia ( SFRY ) .
22 ‘ I want you to withdraw all your people from the streets , to send them home and to tell them to stay at home , until at least after the Moulid .
23 ‘ I want you to withdraw all your people from the streets , to send them home and to tell them to stay at home .
24 After that , D'Arcy called Dave Forbes in London to put him briefly in the picture and to tell him to liaise with the ship and cargo insurers at Lloyd 's .
25 And it 's really to make people to attract peoples ' attention and to make them think about these issues .
26 Simply to apply findings , without regard to their particular conditions of validity , is to impose prescribed patterns of behaviour on learners as if they were subjects rather than people and to make them submit to solutions which correspond to problems other than their own .
27 Approaches that have tended to over-emphasise the cost aspects of RMI and to make it appear as a finance-driven system tend to alienate the service provider groups and often meet with resistance at clinician level .
28 Child benefit is the only benefit which is in fact available to women , even then the government tried a few years ago to change that and to make it paid to the man .
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