Example sentences of "and [pos pn] [noun] [is] that " in BNC.

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1 And my Will is that William Moore ( Carpenter if living ) shall make my Coffin and that the same shall be covered with Black Cloth and nailed with White Nails and to be of the value of Five Pounds or thereabouts .
2 Perhaps I could just advise members , Chairman , that erm , that the timescale for that would be fairly tight , erm , and my recollection is that when we er , we went out to consultation previously in the sphere of learning disability on an issue that I well you should know , erm , I think there were some thirteen plus consultation meetings required in , in order to , erm , to get a fair spread of , of , of opinion .
3 I own a 1969 IIA petrol Land Rover and my problem is that , when I use four wheel drive , I get a knocking from the front wheels when turning .
4 ‘ There will not be any rights issues and my dream is that we can take a 20 per cent share in advertising markets abroad .
5 We take any four boys , and we concentrate on providing them with first-class , intensive training , and my contention is that we can produce a team in every way as competitive as Greycoats ' . ’
6 Thus the Cubans identified a new aggression in Eisenhower 's attitude , and my hypothesis is that it was in response to these events that Castro decided to stake the survival of his revolution on enlisting the total support of the Soviet Union .
7 It is impossible to meet every person 's expectations and my hope is that you will forgive my mistakes and keep me in your thoughts and prayers .
8 and my concern is that our children are going to go into the er work place to try and you know establish their own
9 The starting point was the issue of the opportunities offered to socialists by the current form of capitalist property in Britain , and my conclusion is that the socialised deployment of the personal sector financial surplus would permit a greatly accelerated rate of productive investment , yielding dividends in terms of socially useful output and employment , provided that the deployment of funds be carried out according to fairly well-defined criteria of rationality rather than merely in response to ad hoc political pressure .
10 I can understand the designers ' reasoning , in that the knobs for the front pickup are to the front , and so on , but consciously or subconsciously , guitarists work from the selector switch , and my feeling is that that should point towards the pickup controls currently in use .
11 I know a local primary school that does n't have a P T A at the moment , and my feeling is that in fact the head teacher in particular is terrified of the , the pressures that would be put on her if in fact the P T A was formed .
12 We have information that the Dutch are planning trouble with the English , and my feeling is that erm that erm amount of Dutch supporters that could cause trouble will not be very high .
13 He never needed any encouragement in these moral quests , and my guess is that the recent favourable publicity about him means we will be hearing a great deal more of the Preacher from Plains .
14 He is rated among the best in the team in the papers , and my guess is that he gets a chance as striker in the next match against Costa Rica wednesday night .
15 I 'm sure they would enjoy a family holiday , and my guess is that your mother would approve as well .
16 And there have been er quite detailed negotiations between the two counties and my understanding is that North Yorkshire County Council have agreed with Humberside that on no account will their their proposals stray across the boundary into Humberside .
17 And sort of Mao , Mao has sort of done , done this report and he 's then sending it back to Shanghai , and , and my impression is that Shanghai is then taking this , you know , t to , to be read that basically that 's the situation in the whole of China
18 In Hemingway 's famous expression , what teachers need at the present time is ‘ grace under pressure ’ , and my intention is that the discussions in this book should be very practical aids to the development of this valuable commodity .
19 And my view is that within the A sixty four corridor , north east , there is sufficient range of sites to be found that it should not be erm set to one side on this criterion .
20 I discuss this issue often with tourists I take trekking in rural Nepal , and my line is that the photograph takes second place to the opportunity for personal contact and an understanding of the culture .
21 The point of this fracture between regulation broken and its consequences is that it facilitates corporate crime ; executives need only concern themselves with the likelihood of being leniently punished for breaking regulations , whilst ignoring its consequences for the law does not concern itself with the consequences either .
22 Where the two conditions mentioned above are satisfied , section 3 applies and its effect is that the seller can not ( section 3(2) ) :
23 The impression given by the Bulletin and its Supplement is that there is universal acceptance that the car will be the preferred and available mode of transport throughout the lifespan of the houses that are being constructed ; that individual car-ownership for all eligible people will be the norm ; and thus , though the need to curb the excesses of the car is recognised , other forms of transport are aberrances which must be made to fit around the key elements of the design , which are car-friendly .
24 To at least some of its attackers this pattern must be intimidating and its value is that it may allow the cobra to repel its enemy without resorting to the use of its precious venom .
25 Given this , it is impossible to avoid the idea that another part of the difference between the causal items and their effects is that the causal items exist at a time when their effects do not .
26 They would devolve power to national assemblies in Scotland and Wales and to regional assemblies in England , and their hope is that this would promote a sense of national and regional identity while preserving the United Kingdom and a sense of belonging to a British community .
27 And they 've come to a judgement on those issues and their judgement is that erm they s should support the principle of a western route .
28 One of the major stumbling blocks in the criminal prosecution of corporations and their officials is that costs to the state become excessive as the case is stretched out for endless months and sometimes years .
29 An argument for the co-evolution of dispersers and their trees is that they , in contrast , avoid the seeds , though in the past such seeds may have been in some way indigestible , promoting the relationship of today .
30 The authors are Rudolph and Margot Wittkower , and their theme is that while some artists succeed in financial and social circumstances without strain , other artists tend to Saturnine temperaments .
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