Example sentences of "and [subord] [pron] have [be] " in BNC.

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1 The majority of the contracts have been awarded to Northern Ireland institutions and where they have been with other institutions it has been the policy of the Panel to encourage the employment of junior Northern Ireland based researchers on the projects .
2 The group runs workshops where the women watch videos and then hold discussion groups and where they have been taught how to make simple handicrafts .
3 Taxes Act 1988 , s678 deals with the situation where capital sums are paid by a connected company to the settlor and where there have been associated payments made by the trustees to that company .
4 Some of them have not been found guilty , and albeit they have been charged with horrendous crimes they are still innocent people and it does n't matter even if they are not innocent people , the Government still has a responsibility to life and limb and really I ca n't see any case at all for not storming .
5 Narcissi do not seem to like her garden , and so they have been abandoned .
6 ‘ We are established in many other sports , including the Johnnie Walker Ryder Cup , the RAC Rally , the Silk Cut Derby at Hickstead , the Benson and Hedges Snooker Masters at Wembley , the Volvo European PGA Tour and the British Grand Prix ’ , explains Delahunty , ‘ and although we have been in tennis since 1985 when Stella Artois first commissioned us , I still look at tennis as a growth area .
7 They are Amazonian fish , and although they have been in captivity for a very long time , they will appreciate the soft acid water that nature designed them for , and this may prove essential for breeding .
8 The couple live apart and although they have been together for some time , you sense Clint 's fingers have been burned by his previous bad experiences .
9 That game proved to be the turning point in the club 's fortunes , and although there have been too many false dawns already in a thus far unsuccessful return , maybe last night 's victory is the break Kendall has been waiting for .
10 In the lowlands the basic facts of land use have already been outlined in Table 8.2 ( 8th line of data ) and although there have been a number of local studies of landscape change ( Blacksell and Gilg , 1981 ) , only nationally commissioned studies can provide a large enough resource base for an adequate survey of both landscape change and the behavioural aspects behind the change .
11 From the beginning , however , these difficulties have been recognized and although there have been attempts to overcome them — attempts which will no doubt continue — there had to be a way of progressing while these studies were being undertaken .
12 Interviewers must seek out , contact and interview their allotted sub-samples , and once they have been given their tasks they must work relatively independently .
13 It 's a lonely spot , and if it 's walking you want , Moila is such a small island , and once you have been round it , you have seen it all .
14 And if they have been on the market the terms have often been unreasonable , with little attempt made to advertise them .
15 At a later stage one might , for some reason , want to prevent the other side using reports disclosed to them voluntarily as part of their case , and if they have been put in the wrong part of the list of documents the right to do so will have been lost .
16 Your natural ability is the thing that should emerge , and if you have been well coached the coaching wo n't show .
17 Radiotherapy has no proved value in the treatment of gastric cancer and while there have been numerous trials of various chemotherapy regimens , none have proved to be valuable either as an adjuvant treatment or for advanced disease .
18 Anthony Cheetham offered me complete control of the whole sales operation at the Orion Publishing Group Ltd , encompassing home and export sales for both hardbacks and mass market paperbacks , and while I have been very happy at Random House in its many incarnations , I felt it was too good an offer to miss .
19 Women 's vision of their future in a new society is closely related to their own experiences and education and whether they have been in touch with the women 's movement outside of El Salvador , Some suggest that a new society will bring an end to the repression , the constant fear , the torture , the deaths and disappearances , It will mean they can return home , either leaving the refugee camps in San Salvador or ending their enforced exile abroad , to start to rebuild their homes in the knowledge that the army will not descend on them again .
20 This is n't always possible as we saw last year and as we have been reminded , that was not an easy decision and in fact it 's one of the reasons that we have n't put extra money into the primary schools this year .
21 It is a struggle Ellen and no mistake and though I have been thrifty as mother brought us all up to be and the rent is paid for the next year I am hard put to pay wages and still eat and keep warm .
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