Example sentences of "and [v-ing] [pers pn] [prep] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Tim Pollard , the Marketing Director , even extended the courtesy of collecting me from and returning me to Birmingham Airport .
2 Stupidly she had n't looked further than the retrieving of it and returning it to Jonas Hamilton .
3 He had a great and flourishing trade with the Welsh weavers , bringing their wool and piece goods into England here , and transporting them to London .
4 A famous one was dropping Ramadhin before the third Test in Australia and replacing him with Gibbs , whose Test career thus far had been fairly ordinary ; Gibbs took eight wickets in the match to see his team home and was under way as a real Test bowler .
5 This government can not prove green credentials simply by moving Nick Ridley and replacing him with Patten , a much better public relations person , the slick following the Nick . ’
6 On 12 September 1922 it issued a decree abolishing Pomgol and replacing it with Posledgol ( the Committee for the Struggle Against the Consequences of the Famine ) .
7 Today the president , Mrs Macpherson , in between gracefully shaking hands with each new arrival and presenting her to Mrs MacDonald , decided that she was nothing but a vulgar upstart , and she trembled with suppressed irritation at having to stand in the same receiving line with her .
8 And selling it to Belgium was just to test the market .
9 The Nun 's Priest ends his tale with a direction to the reader/listener , purportedly indicating what they must do : and supporting it with St Paul 's dictum : In the Nun 's Priest 's Tale this is no simple directive , finally defining the purpose of a tale which the narrator has introduced as a " " myrie " " ( " merry " ) exercise , and which is truly comic and lively .
10 In packing up the house and moving us to London , Eva was also in pursuit of Charlie , who was only rarely around now .
11 These payments are calculated on 8.75 per cent of the sales value of production from 8.62608 per cent of the Ninian field [ 50 per cent of the Group 's interest in the field ] after deducting Government royalties and operating costs incurred in extracting the oil and conveying and treating it at Sullom Voe .
12 ‘ Here you are then , ’ said the boy , taking the wire-cutters out of his pocket and giving them to Philip .
13 Vic asked , retrieving the egg from his duffel coat pocket and giving it to Mungo .
14 She marched over to the desk set against the wall , and scribbled three chemical formulas on the hotel writing paper before folding it over and giving it to Mike .
15 They had learned the finer points from a freebooter at Dover , later buying their own streamlined cutter and running it from Folkestone to the French coast , dealing in brandy and fine lace .
16 In the first case of its kind since the introduction of that offence by the USSR Supreme Soviet on May 14 , 1990 , she pleaded guilty to charges that on several occasions she had insulted Gorbachev , for example by calling him a " fascist criminal " and comparing him to Hitler .
17 If this army moved west and then south , there was no German force to prevent its taking the Eighth Army in rear and crushing it against Samsonov 's Second Army .
18 In November 1991 , senior partner Ian Brindle wrote a letter to Senator Kerry offering to cooperate with the investigation and inviting him to London .
19 His young boss was catching the little animals and handing them to Rory who held them upside down , gripped between his thighs with their legs apart , and as I quickly incised the scrotums and drew out the testicles my blade almost touched the rough material of his trouser crutch .
20 ‘ I think it might be connected with this , ’ she said , reaching into the top drawer for the picture and handing it to Bridget .
21 ‘ One brandy , ’ the conductor announced , returning with the drink and handing it to Donna .
22 It was the Deutsche Bank which bought the great and corrupt Flick empire from the family owners before they could restructure it and sell it off in sections : it was Deutsche as well which , within the space of a few years , succeeded in transforming Daimler-Benz into a huge diversified Konzerne , making it the largest in the country , by successively buying the motor company MTU , the aeronautics firm Dornier , the electronics firm AEG and merging them with Messerschmitt Blohm to give birth to an industrial empire of 400,000 employees and £27 billion turnover .
23 The arbitrage process will ensure that the supply of security X and the demand for security Y will both be increased , thus reducing the return on Y and increasing it on X. The process will continue until there are no more profitable arbitrage opportunities .
24 We camped upriver from the falls , stalling the leap into the chasm of some of the water by boiling it on the Trangia and making it into Earl Grey tea .
25 And I remember taking it out of my pocket and showing it to Basil and saying , now , this is the kind of thing I 'm interested in , as well as horses , because it gives me a feeling of English life .
26 ‘ Hullo there , ’ said the doctor , greeting them as old acquaintances and introducing them to Lydia and Betty .
27 Leeds broke out of their defensive cocoon midway through the first half for Jones to win the match by meeting Mike Whitlow 's centre from the left at the near post and flicking it across Phil Parkes into the opposite corner .
28 And I would have got it together if I 'd had time had gone out to work instead of for days on end being unemployed and sitting and telling me about Karen .
29 And telling you about Peter 's gambling has given me so much more strength .
30 ‘ You ca n't bleedin' play that thing , ’ a prancing Tan shouted , grabbing the instrument and throwing it onto Owen 's prostrate body .
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