Example sentences of "and [v-ing] [adv] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He found his father 's suits , carefully folded and smelling even now of camphor , and his mother 's wedding dress , the silk rotting and the lace yellow with age .
2 " Get outside this , " she said , slamming the tin mug of coffee in front of him , and sawing away energetically at the loaf .
3 In a list headed by Vice-President Gennady Yanayev and Prime Minister Valentin Pavlov , and consisting almost exclusively of senior government figures , the only surprise was Vadim Bakatin , the former Interior Minister dismissed in December 1990 [ see p. 37902 ] , who was identified by commentators as the only liberal on the Council .
4 He waited until the policeman disappeared inside his prefabricated hut before dodging under the railings and walking rapidly away across the giant crazy paving towards the blitzed warehouses .
5 When Jack and his hunters start to hunt things , killing for fun and becoming totally out of control , Ralph only then realises there is a crisis .
6 She was intensely house-proud , though her home was mean and small , having a frontage of not more than twelve feet , and opening directly on to the street , with no garden before it .
7 The 48 films were made up of four films showing motorway driving , eight showing bends in a road and four exemplars each of left turns , right turns and driving straight ahead in each of three situations : signalized crossroads , four arm roundabouts , and unsignalized T-junctions .
8 They turned south this time and soon Jenna was amused and intrigued to see huge gaggles of geese in fields , moving about almost as one and honking loud enough to be heard over the noise of the car .
9 I 'm grateful to the honourable member and listening very carefully to this argument .
10 They did n't notice Farquhar , walking just behind with the hounds , watching them carefully and listening very intently for their half-lost whispers .
11 Every one satisfied , and looking forward eagerly to future developments , they cut up the hare and called Farquhar in .
12 In the hall one of the walls was given over entirely to a tiled picture of Christ displaying His Sacred Heart ; another depicted the Blessed Virgin being carried upwards to Heaven by a host of angels , and a third was of St Anthony holding a lily and looking tenderly down at the beholder .
13 He gestured towards the door , where Hilary Frome was standing , flaunting his fair hair and profile , and looking still more like an illustration of one of Baden Powell 's scouting manuals ; a fine specimen of British boyhood , who in only a matter of a year or two might be imagined assuming the burden of Empire , and administering imperial justice with rod and gun to one or other of the lesser breeds without the law .
14 ‘ I suppose , ’ said Suvarov , paying no attention to her rudeness or the incipient hysteria in her voice , ‘ because it was so important … not just fighting it , but being part of it , doing one 's best and living more intensely over a longer time than one had before . ’
15 And he gave the impression , by bowing his head and turning rather gravely towards his interlocutor , that he was ready to treat every communication with the utmost seriousness , and would be reluctant to miss a syllable .
16 ‘ Here we are , ’ announced the Brigadier , emerging suddenly from his world of private woes and turning right on to a grassy track running between two olive groves .
17 Beyond , the path was the same — empty in the darkening moonlight and leading gently downhill into the deep shadow of a grove of ilex trees .
18 ‘ Starting with Jefferson Airplane and The MC5 and going right up to Sonic Youth and Hüsker Dü , it 's never worked .
19 at this point here and going right down to the final A of ANNA and the way you can , you can , cos you 're gon na step in mid way now and you assume that the appropriate sociability has set the rapport has been built and you start the role play by saying thanks very much for that , I now wan na talk about whatever your product is , yeah , and then step into role play that way ?
20 This appears , for instance , where Margery first rejects Wilekin 's advances , referring to " " houre Loverd , hevene king " " and going straight on to : ( " I have my lord who is my spouse who brought me a virgin to his house … " )
21 and going straight on up the hill
22 Other people were coming upstairs and going straight in through the double doors marked Wards 3 and 4 .
23 The four healthy children lay sound asleep , their breaths coming and going almost visibly in the light from the street lamp that came through the flowered cotton curtains .
24 ‘ My maternal grandfather was Italian , ’ she surprised herself by replying , reaching for her refilled glass , extending it towards Rune and going once more through the motions he had taught her .
25 Keeping the rudder still and pulling right back on the stick sharply as the stall occurs , should make the wing drop .
26 Rope breaks usually occur through inattention and getting badly out of position .
27 Election-winner or not , for much of the '80s , punters were voting with their feet and staying well away from Reading .
28 He did , sliding fluidly into the driver 's seat of the red sports car and reversing expertly out of the driveway while she was still trying to recover from that last lightly sarcastic comment .
29 Fergal shouted , shaking off his father 's half restraining hand and moving threateningly close to Ellie .
30 Pakistan have failed badly when overseas , being walloped in the Caribbean and losing badly down under , even after beating all comers in Sharjah only weeks before .
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