Example sentences of "and [v-ing] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Owen Glendower , lord of Glyndyfrdwy and Cynllaith , and master of most of North Wales , came south that June into central Wales , his raiding parties materialising like shapes of flashing , thundery sunlight out of the rains and mists of the hills , and eating at the borders of the Mortimer lordships in Radnorshire .
2 The details of how such intentions could be realized would be left to local joint planning and financing at the district level : ‘ any proposal to move the balance of care from hospital to community should come from the local level ’ .
3 The shop bell had tinkled frequently for the past hour , most of the customers having been the ha'penny and penny ones , some of whom were now standing outside at the shop window oohing and aahing at the Christmas goodies displayed there , all entwined with coloured streamers and illuminated by the two gas lamps attached to the side wall of the shop and plopping inside their pretty pink glass globes , while casting a rosy light overall , even over the small faces pressed against the window .
4 On behalf of Nether Wyresdale Parish Council I wish to register an objection to the application for an entertainment licence for music , dancing and singing at the Priory Restaurant , Scorton .
5 ‘ Oh , nothing much , ’ I sighed , slowly raising my head again and gazing at the water .
6 ‘ I signed a beautiful new actress , ’ he said , leaning on his elbow and gazing at the girl .
7 Robins slightly endeared herself to me by going a little pink and gazing at the ceiling .
8 One of the crewmen of the small boat stood looking out at the city all around him , smoking a cigarette and gazing at the myriad lights .
9 Faced with actually going back to the barn , she was not now so serene about it as she had been when she was lying in the field and gazing at the sky .
10 But her mother 's letter introduced into her head again that debilitating pressure she had felt in hospital — the feeling which was the opposite of sitting in her watch-tower and gazing at the sky .
11 As he spoke , he looked at Ludovico , who was furiously plucking at the strings of his racket and gazing at the ground .
12 A devotee praying before the idol and gazing at the God 's face is thus influenced by an electro-magnetic field which interacts with the devotee 's own bioenergy field .
13 For the people of Pakistan to enjoy the huge benefits of heating and cooking at the press of a switch , then praise be to the Darlington firms of Head Wrightson and Whessoe .
14 Or side by side and touching at the hips ,
15 When he appeared before the magistrate at lowly Clerkenwell , charged with ‘ willfully ringing several door bells and knocking at the doors in Upper Street , Islington , without lawful excuse ’ it was said that this kind of mischief — like the Cremorne Gardens affray — was a ‘ frequent occurrence ’ .
16 Her high-pitched voice , rapid speech and stabbing at the telephone betrayed her lack of balance and control .
17 Kildare and return and booking at the moment is reported to be brisk .
18 Mossop , faithful both to preference and history , remained in the car whilst Harry walked up the front path , trying to ignore the ravenous alsatian growling and tearing at the neighbour 's fence .
19 I want now to turn to some questions of form and genre , trying to identify a particular set of formal and institutional parameters for television , and returning at the end of the essay to questions of value .
20 There was a daily requisition to carry troops to the Rossall rifle ranges , leaving between 8–30 and 9–30 and returning at the end of the afternoon .
21 Long considered one of the leading exponents of British Pop Art , and a major figure painter of his generation , Patrick Caulfield is the subject of a survey covering his thirty-year career and opening at the Serpentine Gallery towards the end of this month ( 24 November-17 January 1993 ) .
22 And he started thumping the sand and wailing at the seagulls — real Play for Today stuff — and an elderly couple who were listening to a radio behind a wind-break looked quite alarmed .
23 In fact , one piece of wood makes up the side of the guitar , all the way from the endpin , round the left-hand side , behind the neck and ending at the point of the cutaway .
24 Both groups trained to attend to the sounds of words were significantly better at reading and spelling at the end of the study than the untrained group .
25 ‘ I owe you an apology , ’ Donna said , pushing her plate away and dabbing at the corners of her mouth with a napkin .
26 Bobbing and bobbing at the well-wall
27 Interest paid was down from £3.1m to £1.2m and gearing at the year-end was 9 per cent .
28 But certainly he 'll be pushing and pushing at the front there and making runs to get in the back all night I 'm I 'm certain of that .
29 She escaped to her own room and sat down on the bed , huddling in her damp raincoat and picking at the stitches of the band on her arm .
30 He also offered dire predictions to couples ( Graham could n't even consider the possibility they might not be married ) that going at it like knives would lead to ‘ languor , lassitude , muscular relaxation , general debility and heaviness , depression of spirits , loss of appetite , indigestion , faintness and sinking at the pit of the stomach , increased susceptibilities of the skin and the lungs to all atmospheric changes , feebleness of circulation , chilliness , headache , melancholy , hypochondria , hysterics , feebleness of circulation , feebleness of all the senses , impaired vision , loss of sight , weakness of the lungs , nervous cough , pulmonary consumption , disorders of the liver and kidneys , urinary difficulties , disorders of the genital organs , spinal diseases , weakness of the brain , loss of memory , epilepsy , insanity , apoplexy , abortions , premature births , extreme feebleness , morbid predispositions , and an early death of offspring . ’
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