Example sentences of "and [v-ing] [pron] [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He knew at once of a house to let for a whole year , the owners being abroad and failing to let it before they left last month and seeing my condition he took pity and had the caretaker prevailed upon to come to me at his premises .
2 It was empty , Jo was by this time awake ( having crept earlier to bed ) , but she did n't move for fear of her father 's anger interpreting his shouts of rage , she gathered that her mother was gone and realising what damage he could consequently do to her and her baby , she knew that she had to escape .
3 On reading this inventory and understanding its meaning one is left with the firm impression that seventeenth-century glassmaking was a sophisticated business .
4 Even if I hear them howling and snapping their jaws I sha n't hurry ! ’
5 He 'd be home , doing his job and living whatever life he had that did n't include her .
6 He was small , with wide , staring eyes and a way of raising and turning his head which suggested not so much caution as a kind of ceaseless , nervous tension .
7 So , excited , and wondering what surprise her brother could conceivably have arranged , she set off with Sam in the britzka for Trouville .
8 So , in September 1989 , Helen found herself working part time and researching what gaps there were in the childcare market .
9 But the spasm passed , like an opening fist ; and wondering what he had eaten , what Phillis had cooked , and wiping his brow he was glad that that was over .
10 ‘ expose your person ’ This point is proved by describing the penis fully and stating what condition it was in as outlined at point 2 ante .
11 As the disembarked men were being lined up to march , a detail of mercenaries went from heap to heap , spiking those who still lived and removing what valuables they could discover .
12 The treatise includes a eulogy of Paris , which tells us that ‘ there … opening our treasuries and unfastening our purse-strings we scattered money with joyous heart and purchased inestimable books with worthless coin . ’
13 After a conversation with two traffic wardens and taking their advice I went to the police station and reported my loss .
14 After some hesitation she agreed , and taking my hand we went off to her young man 's house .
15 She smiled when he nodded , and taking his wrist she guided his hand from beneath her dress .
16 As I said , play is frustrating at first , but you soon get the hang of blocking and doing smashes — and knowing what skills your team-mate 's best at .
17 It was the social security man , and recognizing his voice I braced myself for what he might say .
18 topping and tailing his rig he was unstoppable .
19 By moving the flux points around and changing their strengths we can easily assess the effect of a changing core field on VGP path .
20 In addition to improving service you also have a sound basis for going out and telling your customer what you are doing , which can act as a useful marketing tool . ’
21 He just sat there , scratching his head with those black fingernails and telling my mother there was never anything like that on his side of the family .
22 I lay on my bed in a cheap lodging house and cried and I tell you Ellen I wished I was with you and receiving your kindness which was great to me .
23 That was a Good Friday and following his recovery he felt able to resume his pastoral responsibilities .
24 Vi had never imagined she could think kindly of any submarine again , but if it was one of your own then surely it was right and proper to wish it well , and raising her hand she had traced a blessing on the early morning air .
25 Unfortunately for him , the lady 's husband had also spotted his illicit signalling from the bedroom and grabbing his machine-gun he went to the window and shot the hang-glider pilot and all out of the sky in a hail of bullets .
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