Example sentences of "and [num] [unc] cent [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The report revealed that not only do a lot of students want to leave university before they graduate , but ninety per cent have problems with the volume of work and fifty per cent experienced excess pressure at exam time .
2 On the other hand , Reinsel ( 1981 ) studied ozone data from a network of Dobson stations over the period 1958–79 and , in agreement with several other research groups , cautiously suggested a total ozone decrease of between 2.0 and 4.5 per cent due to nuclear testing effects in the early 1960s .
3 Some 30 per cent of the population had attended or were attending literacy courses , almost 16 per cent had primary education and 4.5 per cent secondary education .
4 A very useful development in insulin therapy in recent years has been the fixed-dose mixture of insulin , either 30 per cent short-acting and 70 per cent intermediate-acting ( Mixtard ) or equal parts of the two insulins ( Initard ) .
5 The most stringent regulations are those recently introduced in California , where , by the year 2003 , cars must emit 85 per cent less hydrocarbons , 50 per cent less carbon monoxide and 75 per cent less nitrogen oxide than currently permitted .
6 For example , between 1973 and 1982 the retail price index rose 14 per cent more than freight tariffs and 32 per cent more than passenger fares ; while short-term efforts to restrain the deficit , such as the 1984 programme contract , led , as in BR , to restraints on capital expenditure , jeopardizing longer-term possibilities of reducing the deficit by means of cost-saving and revenue-attracting investments .
7 By the time they had reached age 36 , with their fertility almost complete , 52 per cent of the mothers in the 1946 cohort of births had two children , 16 per cent just one , and 32 per cent three or more ( Kiernan 1989c ) .
8 Their findings were that 18.9 per cent of the sample reported disincentive effects and 11.2 per cent experienced incentive effects — a difference which was statistically significant .
9 According to a census in the sixteenth century , Sarajevo was 100 per cent Muslim , but in Bitola ( Monastir ) in Macedonia 20.2 per cent were Christian and 4.8 per cent Jewish , and in Skopje the proportion was 23.7 per cent Christian and 1.5 per cent Jewish .
10 A report in the American journal of Epidemiology says that a father 's sperm and a mother 's womb may be damaged by smoking and that the chances of cancer developing in their children were 20 per cent higher when the man smoked and 30 per cent higher when the woman smoked .
11 At the request of Tory toughs , he has given 10 per cent extra scorn and 30 per cent extra snarl .
12 Ten per cent extra scorn and 30 per cent extra snarl was added to his speeches .
13 As for commercial reactions , they can be judged by the fact that the capital cost of a first FBR is estimated by the British nuclear industry at between 20 and 30 per cent greater than that of a PWR , and generating costs 20 per cent more .
14 For Scandinavia the figures are 70 per cent sulphuric acid and 30 per cent nitric acid ( Swedish Ministry of Agriculture , 1982 ) , which are similar to the values from Scotland of 71 per cent sulphuric acid and 29 per cent nitric acid ( Fowler et al. , 1982 ) .
15 10–30 per cent overweight and not as fit as you should be If you are between 10 and 30 per cent overweight , and similarly you get puffed out easily , do little or no exercise , and consider yourself unfit , you too should begin by exercising gently .
16 The 1906 Wages Census showed that in the cotton industry 27.2 per cent of male workers earned below 22/ per week and 41.6 per cent less than 25/ .
17 In 1986/8 only 39 per cent of lone mothers were employed , 17 per cent full-time and 22 per cent part-time ( OPCS , 1990 ) .
18 Thus , while major cities in most developing countries offer better chances of child survival overall , some do not , as in Guyana and , as noted above , also in Haiti , where infant mortality levels in the largest cities are 21 and 53 per cent higher , respectively , than in the rural areas .
19 1.25 Both sides should of course beware of " agreed " medical evidence that is , in fact , not agreed : orthopaedic reports on the one side referring to arthritic change being probable and on the other to its being possible ; or neurologists ' reports referring respectively to 10 per cent and 2 per cent epileptic risk are not " agreed " .
20 With the benefit of the latest steam-XXXX turbines , the new plant is planned to achieve thermal efficiency of 52 per cent — a 20 per cent increase over that of normal coal power stations , and 12 per cent higher than the best performance of nuclear plants .
21 Total secondary school spending in Britain per pupil is 7 per cent lower than America and 12 per cent lower than in France .
22 For example Charlesworth et al , 1984 , by analysis of 1979/80 survey data on 255 elderly people and their 157 carers in north-west England , found that 22 per cent of the carers felt their caring role had either exacerbated or caused a health problem for them ; 38 per cent had experienced some restriction in relation to work , and 44 per cent some restriction on their leisure time .
23 Each department was set a minimum target of 52 per cent women and 10 per cent ethnic minorities .
24 On the other hand , if there are no others in the field , an offer of , say , 2½ per cent less than the asking price could be made ; and if the house is somewhat overpriced , try an offer between 5 and 10 per cent less than the asking price and see what the reaction is .
25 According to a census in the sixteenth century , Sarajevo was 100 per cent Muslim , but in Bitola ( Monastir ) in Macedonia 20.2 per cent were Christian and 4.8 per cent Jewish , and in Skopje the proportion was 23.7 per cent Christian and 1.5 per cent Jewish .
26 The population of Estonia was 61.5 per cent Estonian and 30.3 per cent Russian , the remainder comprising Ukrainians , Byelorussians and Finns ( 1989 census ) .
27 And 100 per cent alive . ’
28 One such is Easy Project , written for the IBM PC and 100 per cent compatible instruments .
29 Herbal and 100 per cent organic .
30 The study suggests that world cereal production in 2060 will be between 1 and 7 per cent lower than today 's levels .
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