Example sentences of "and [num] [noun pl] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Boys tend to have a resurgence of negativism between ten and eleven years of age .
2 Well that is , that 's getting on for two hundred and fifty pages of document .
3 The tenants were not in arrears with their rent and they had , entirely by their own industry , cleared and reclaimed more than two hundred and fifty acres of bog .
4 One hundred and fifty years of glamour sitting on a stool right before your very eyes , that 's what she was .
5 Three thousand years of Chinese history and a hundred and fifty years of attachment to Britain has produced an electrifying , vividly coloured , if not at times garish , super-city of crowded streets , bustling eateries , high rise towers and myriadic shopping opportunities .
6 A brewery is fighting a hostile take over bid which would mean the end of more than two hundred and fifty years of brewing .
7 Strangely enough , it is the selfless focus on sex which continues to provide the ultimate satisfaction in a pure and simple way even after thirty , forty and fifty years of marriage , while the self-centred focus not only fails to produce what it promises but often leaves the participants in bondage .
8 A veteran of Vietnam and Korea , it weighs in at fifteen tons and guzzles a hundred and fifty gallons of fuel an hour .
9 The two hundred and forty-seven pounds of weight have made him a bit short of breath .
10 They had 100 hours and 120 hours of teaching practice respectively .
11 About 700 tons of graphite and 70 tons of uranium fuel from the core of the reactor , all lethally radioactive , spewed on to the tarmac and the roof of the turbine hall .
12 Sywell Country Park consists of 143 acres of meadow and pasture and 70 acres of reservoir .
13 After a 20 minute incubation at 22°C , MgCl 2 ( to 10mM ) , CaCl 2 ( to 2mM ) and 0.0625 units of DNase I were added , mixed and incubated for a further 60 seconds , after which time 20µg of proteinase K in 100µl of a buffer containing 1% SDS , 100µg/ml tRNA , 200mM NaCl , 20mM EDTA was added and the reaction incubated at 50°C for a further 20 mins .
14 Examples of this are the ICL 1900 and 2900 ranges of computer .
15 But , for my money , the most heart-wrenching of all was the discovery of the wreck of Nuestra Senora de Atocha , which sank in 1622 , dragged to the bottom in a gale by the weight of silver and gold aboard — no less than 17 tons of silver and 500 pounds of gold .
16 Between 400 and 500 gallons of diesel poured into the river from a tank on the Grosvenor Estate at Aldford , near Chester , forming a slick almost two miles long .
17 Every day Westerners flush away between 150 and 500 litres of water at home and more at work .
18 In children between four and eight years of age there was absolutely no difference between the number of realist answers produced by the pairs and by the control , solo children .
19 The most expensive horse is usually the well-schooled one between five and eight years of age , because he has a combination of youth and experience .
20 Each mill was likely to require around 4 million bricks , 2 acres of glass and 2,200 tons of iron and steel .
21 As weapons are reduced , six tonnes of plutonium and 30 tonnes of uranium from dismantled warheads must pass through Russia 's rickety bureaucracy every year for the next 15 or so .
22 The vehicle was destroyed and 30 metres of fencing was damaged .
23 The Cheshires unleashed between 20 and 30 rounds of rifle fire to cover their withdrawal after they came under attack .
24 Now 100 pairs donated by the Northern Ballet company based in Halifax , Yorks , are to be shipped by coach along with spare tutus , other clothes and 30 pairs of ballet shoes to their struggling fellow-dancers in St Petersburg .
25 ‘ 6-month-old children ’ were eligible if they were between 24 and 30 weeks of age and had been immunised with OPV as above .
26 The Domesday Book records that Roos had ‘ a priest and a church and 30 acres of meadow ’ .
27 Young adulthood was defined as between 18 and 30 years of age .
28 Every tonne of waste glass saves 1.2 tonnes of raw materials and 30 gallons of oil used for processing .
29 After 10 minutes of infusion , the manometric catheter was removed , two sips of tap water were given to clear acid from the oesophagus , and 22 hours of pH monitoring were started .
30 They will supply about 42 miles of pipeline and 22 miles of control cables , connecting five sub-sea locations to a main oil platform .
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