Example sentences of "and [vb base] off [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Knit two rows and bind off for a round neck or cast off for a V-neck .
2 It is still early and you can drive out towards Apt and branch off across the Lubéron .
3 They raise them to shoulder level , and back off from the small crowd .
4 If they are unusually anxious or irritated , they may find the noise just too much to deal with and stalk off in a feline sulk rather than squat down for a good meal .
5 However , the real action is when you jump into the cockpit and zoom off down the runway to strike a blow against the evil Quadaffi .
6 I 'll tell you another thing , whatever the Spitting Images say about John he pays his money , he does n't grab his bermuda shorts and a wristwatch and fly off to the sunny islands .
7 and fly off in a shower , airily
8 To set your foundation and eliminate any shine , pat loose powder lightly all over your face and dust off with a big brush .
9 Tony and I drag our boats up the beach and head off to the rocks , our balance oddly disturbed by the many hours afloat .
10 In the kind of yuppy apartment in which they lived , the chimpanzees would signal ‘ GO SINK ’ and head off to the kitchen sink .
11 It 's not only the alcohol that 's suffered from self-enforced cutbacks : the Franks ( ironically enough ) used to be a Martini band — any gig , any town , any night , they 'd pack their guitars and socks and head off into the Tranzophobic sunset , until exhaustion fully reared its head and the heart decided that home was definitely the place to be .
12 The best and longest-lasting tans are acquired slowly — quick tans are usually fast burns and peel off in a trice .
13 The two of us stand next to his second hole unable to distinguish sky and lake and cut off from the other pair .
14 But more importantly it is a good starting place for exploring the lesser known eastern valleys which are peaceful , quiet and cut off from the rest of the Lake District .
15 Rome , unlike Avignon ( and , indeed , many other cities ) was inconveniently placed for easy relations with most of Europe and cut off from the north-west , where the papacy 's influence was strongest , by the great mountain range of the Alps .
16 Mr Hodge remembered the seas had been very rough as the crew attempted to rescue the couple , who had been surprised and cut off by a fast moving tide at Huntcliff .
17 ‘ The Newquay crowd just pose in Beetles covered in stickers and show off to the dodgy girls hanging around on Fistral beach , ’ opines Adam , who claims he 'd only visit the town to compete .
18 Also , with healthy deciduous trees , the leaves all come with great show every Spring and die off in the Autumn — but more come each successive year cos the tree has grown a bit so the foliage is thicker , more complex in structure — until it dies of course .
19 They had organized a decoy system whereby Carolyn drove Diana 's car to entice her press pursuers away and then Diana would emerge from Coleherne Court and walk off in the other direction .
20 And the occasion will be given more spice by the fact that Dorahy played at full back and stand off during a spell at the Boulevard .
21 Not to mention every day of the week when you climb on that evil machine and ride off into the sunset ! ’
22 We make the most of this and scoot off to the hospital .
23 The eggs remain in the damp sand , safe from marine predators , until they hatch out fifteen days later and swim off on the next high spring tide .
24 There , where the sea floor suddenly drops to three thousand feet and more , they dive down to about 1400 feet and swim off in a southwest direction .
25 Although at first it may prove excitable and run off around the garden , the puppy should soon return to you .
26 The horses lose interest and sashay off into the night .
27 Keep moving right and you should find the concert permit , jump up onto the purple wall and walk right to the other side , get one of the three crates and kill the mugger , then walk to the right and jump up three platforms to reach a heart , fall down to where you started then climb down the ladder with a crate , kill the workman , go down another level and kill the mugger ( avoiding the dog ) , go down another level , climb down the ladder and go down again , you can risk hitting the wire and flame to collect the records ( macho time again ) , climb down a final ladder and jump off to the left .
28 Take a 79 , 24 or a 51A , B or C , bus going southwards and get off on the South Circular Road , Kilmainham .
29 Get on the train and get off at the third [ or fourth or fifth ] stop .
30 Ossie and Tito steal him back and set off for the wild reaches of western Ireland with Byrne , Kelly and their friend Kathleen ( Barkin ) in hot pursuit .
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