Example sentences of "and [vb base] away [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Quick snigger and look at somebody and look away and go
2 And then they just smile at each other and look away and talk about the weather et cetera .
3 Pour the chutney into small sterilised jars , seal , label and give away as presents .
4 Hawks are unrestrained aggressive fighters ; doves are timid , and run away when threatened .
5 Now in this particular case I 'm using a tap funnel Tap funnel just as it 's it 's Erm the concentrated acid you do n't just sort of pour it in and run away and leave it to it .
6 How can it help me do my job ? point of view the reason is that it can help you do your job is very simply that to involve members of the public er local councils , local authorities , decision makers and allows the outcome to , to erm entertain them and to erm hope for and communicate what it is they 'll come erm in a non-threatening , non-selling , non-hard sell environment where they can come along , they can enjoy themselves and go away and form their own opinions without somebody over the head with what they 're try to sa trying to do erm
7 ‘ Aline , be a dear sweet girl and go away and let me die in peace .
8 ‘ He will hear a tune on a programme and go away and play it on a keyboard .
9 A.D.A.S. are once quoted as saying our land would grow nothing but Rhododendrons and Heather ( and when their advice was free , we would call them out and go away and do the opposite ) but in true pioneering spirit we have proved them all wrong !
10 He knew Tess was not a toy to play with and throw away when finished with .
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