Example sentences of "and [vb base] that it be " in BNC.

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1 Mystics are aware that their experience can never be explained in rational terms and insist that it is unhelpful and can even be dangerous to attempt to define the ultimate reality in terms of reason and logic .
2 Erm er a it 's , it 's almost an abstract , it 's a , you know , if , if one would accept that as an abstract and forget that it 's a portrait then it 's perhaps works a little better .
3 Of course you might want to take a very purist line and say that it is bad manners to remind others of their bad manners .
4 I have suggested that singing is a good analogy for the discovery and use of the light principle ; I would go one step further and say that it is a literal example of this process .
5 I have been accused of favouring Transworld in the past , so I feel I must defend myself and say that it is not that I love Transworld so much as that I admire success .
6 Hunting is very complicated and most people do not know about hunting or how it is done so they do n't like it and say that it is cruel .
7 I can now speak from experience and say that it 's much easier to spend a day at the office than it is to spend a day at home , and you have the benefit of spending ‘ quality time ’ with your baby at evenings and weekends .
8 I must be absolutely honest though and say that it 's not always going to be easy to try to live for Jesus at school .
9 I think it would only become an event if parish councils do something which people took exception to and say that it 's
10 I go down and say that it 's not good enough .
11 I 'd like to move a petition containing seven hundred and twelve signatures , residents of Broadstone who request the installation of a pedestrian crossing on Broadstone Lane , bottom end of Shakespeare Drive and propose that it is passed on to the environment committee for consideration .
12 Please continue to view your progress in the mirror and realise that it is only one more day before you measure and weigh yourself to enter your reduced ( I hope ! ) statistics on the Weight and Inch Loss Record Chart .
13 We want to look at stress now , and realise that it is not all negative , in fact some people actually go out and seek a fair amount of stress .
14 The piece then challenges these emotional inheritances , and show that it is possible to go beyond them .
15 ( i ) Derive the equation of motion for the ring and show that it is independent of the cross-section of the wire .
16 We now describe A 's optimal response to B t 's behaviour and show that it is optimal for A to use the simple form of strategy first postulated .
17 We shall maintain the assumption that expectations are rational , and show that it is not this assumption per se which leads to the ineffectiveness of systematic stabilization policy but its combination with ( inter alia ) the assumption of price flexibility .
18 The limestone sculpture ( fig. 36 ) is covered with paint , but other marbles preserve much colour and show that it was more selectively applied , the skin being left in the bare marble , the texture of which can be sensed also through the colour .
19 The Department of Transport 's reply to my letter ( 12 March ) seems to have missed the general point I am making from this specific case , namely that travellers normally choose their mode of transport on the basis of perceived marginal costs ( ie the cost of petrol ) and conclude that it is a lot cheaper to use a car if you already have one .
20 They were , indeed , a sorry and sadly bedraggled lot , so covered in diesel and smoke that it was quite impossible to discriminate among them on the basis of age , sex or nationality .
21 And yet we know the conditions under which the sequence was written and notice how fragile it is , how much a willed order , and how dependent upon a bravura performance — and suspect that it is from these elements that the permanent value of the poetry springs .
22 If we take a social view of language , and accept that it is the possession of the community as well as internal to speakers ' minds , we must be prepared to accept that reversal of merger can take place in this way , so long as speakers know that meat is an alternating class .
23 I think Sussex has got to find a new , new hat , and got to express itself and demonstrate that it is in no sense relying on twenty five years of erm of erm fairly high reputation that the next twenty five years and the next twenty five years after that are just as challenging , perhaps even more so .
24 The job is what the individual makes it , and the onus is on the clinical teacher to explain her role and ensure that it is recognised by all .
25 To strengthen your hair prior to a perm and ensure that it is the best possible condition , apply a combination of protein and moisturising treatments .
26 You should use a plain paper , to give a good background for the pressed flowers , and ensure that it is fairly thick to absorb the glue without becoming transparent .
27 If the Development Manager considers the change proposed has little or no impact on functionality , cost , or timescale when he should allow the incorporation of the change into the design and ensure that it is described in the design documentation .
28 Prepare the equipment for the patient 's return and ensure that it is functioning correctly .
29 Only the medium and large builders can mount a training campaign and ensure that it is effectively carried through .
30 We need to preserve our present structure and ensure that it is viable .
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