Example sentences of "and [vb base] i [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Sitting in a traffic jam with such a car alongside is a contemporary purgatory that produces reactions in me that bode no good for the future of the human race and make me a menace on the roads for minutes afterwards .
2 Okay go and make me a bacon sandwich
3 ‘ Tell him to come back , we ca n't take risks — and bring me a glass of water , will you ? ’
4 And bring me the rum .
5 The old girl should do her duty and send me a postcard if she can take the time off from her toy-boys .
6 Be a pal , Kate , and slip me the copy of Gay News you hide under your desk because I do n't allow it in the library , talk about work , Kate , discuss how we spend £5000 on economics books for the university libraries , tell me about how you 're stopping the students thieving my favourite art books , but please for God 's sake , Kate , do n't be difficult , do n't talk about imperialism and marxism and feminism , I 've heard it all before and said it all myself , twenty years ago before I had a wife and children to support .
7 Put me on the terrace and mix me a Singapore Sling ! ’
8 And show me a 20-year-old who has no growing up to do .
9 Gerry offered to be my guide , and show me the sites of the county .
10 If they want to take it all away in the end and match me up with that slimy halfwit , why then take me up to the mountain and show me the world ?
11 ‘ Cut the crap and show me the pics , ’ he said .
12 Gannets amaze and impress me every time I see them .
13 You 've come and read me a bed time story when I have n't been very well and I 've been in bed .
14 He sat down in the big easy-chair beside the kitchen range , took me on his knee and read me a story .
15 Every evening at 6.30 , my ‘ Pop ’ , as I called him , would come across the garden to take me to bed and read me a story .
16 She always put me to bed … and read me a story . ’
17 ‘ Just take these other duties off my shoulders and give me a day a week for the next year to attend a decent training course so that I can master it , and I 'm yours . ’
18 What I am saying most specifically is take all of me — and here of course Gary began the melody on the piano and we all smiled and then she sang , sang her song , and believe me we did all listen to the words that night , we knew that the man who had been attacked was there , and we knew that O and Boy were standing shoulder to shoulder in our midst , we saw them in the centre of the mirror , saw ourselves standing beside them and standing by them and give me a drink now because I had such hopes of a lover of my own on that evening and here I am .
19 They feel like an extension of my arm , with a sweet action down their 10 ft length which is supple enough to cast free-lined baits and give me a feel of a fighting fish , yet with power to spare when I have to bend it into the run of a big carp .
20 Once you 've lost as much money as me on the horses — then you come and give me a sermon on gambling , all right ? ’
21 If you ca n't remember it look it up and give me a call in Washington this evening .
22 ‘ Piss on your XPDs , ’ I croak , ‘ and give me a swig of that fizzy water fast or I 'll disintegrate messily all over your in-tray . ’
23 Aunt Lilian had invented the Game when I was at school in order to increase my knowledge of world events and give me a sense of history .
24 If you have to go home now , and I wish you would n't , then call me tomorrow and give me a date .
25 Perhaps Otley could step in there and give me a chance to get to know Mistress Wordsworth .
26 And give me a pair of tongs so that I can take one out of the water at a time . ’
27 ‘ Hurry up and give me a grandchild , I said to her .
28 Come and give me a hug . ’
29 yeah , he said if he comes and give me a hand he says I 'll give him five P a hour
30 But if you get up and give me a hand
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