Example sentences of "and [vb base] [det] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The ASB 's proposals build on and develop those of the Accounting Standards Committee published as ED48 in 1990 .
2 In this chapter , I would like to try to explain some of the laws and customs of my people , particularly with regard to women and marriage , and dispel some of the myths and fairy stories which had totally misled me .
3 In the remainder of this chapter we examine the evolution and successes of UDCs , and evaluate these within the context of contrasting ( but comparable ) experience .
4 Know understand and evaluate some of the basic beliefs of Christianity
5 Each episode had to end with a cliff-hanger and repeat this at the start of the next episode .
6 Freed , furthermore , after 1870 from the embarrassment of the papal states and continually reinforced by its growing missionary societies , the Church was manifestly expanding in number and influence all through the first half of the twentieth century , when other large Churches were only too clearly declining rather than advancing .
7 Do define quality standards and communicate these down the line .
8 Sorry yeah , certainly , part of it thinking about the way on which we put together a package of ideas , and how we 're going to get that across and sell that to the other party .
9 A concerted effort on waste management could produce harmonious results and salvage some of the valuable manpower squandered by the present government in its purist attempts at national good housekeeping .
10 and when you try t in the past when I tried to find some way of imposing discipline , there is no way because quite rightly , you 're not allowed to strike children , I never wanted to and I I hardly ever did at one school where there was a marvellous spirit of give and take I used to whip off my little black velvet slipper occasionally and whack some of the larger boys about the top of the thigh .
11 So when I take this out and pout this through the window it shines straight up and you can look at the clouds and you can tell which direction the wind is .
12 One thing he did want was money , enough of it , and pretty soon : ‘ Without money you miss most of the pleasures and lose most of the time , and do n't let's pretend otherwise . ’
13 They try and hide some of the total mess they have made .
14 And put some brackets round that and raise that to the power five .
15 Or ten sorry find the hundredth root of ten and raise that to the power seventy five .
16 Okay and raise that to the power point nought three .
17 Abort the offending DC and raise another minus the module , explaining why .
18 The second shake-up in the past 12 months is expected to streamline internal services and review some of the marketing structures .
19 Slice the onion into rings and lay half of the rings along the fish .
20 An electronic set of tricks simulates the real life timetable so that the operators receive and send all of the necessary signals as well as operating the appropriate signals .
21 If you wish to pay by Bankers Order then please complete the form below and send that to the RAFA with your membership application form .
22 It is hoped that those areas who are large in numbers will raise between three and four hundred pounds each and send this to the Treasurer before Christmas ; those areas who have fewer teachers and not so many classes are asked to raise £100 each .
23 erm could actually do , so what we are saying here is it needs to be considered seriously in answer so you know we hope the Liberal Democrats will perhaps come in and support us on this or perhaps amend their motion and send this via the panel .
24 Make a loop in the weaving yarn and attach this to the clamp on the same side of the needle bed as the carriage .
25 The rivers irrigate three million acres of farmland , feed a huge commercial fishery , provide a shipping canal , support a substantial leisure industry and supply half of the area with electricity .
26 It may , in fact , be better to organise it for the day after you move , because being certain that everything will run according to plan on the day of the move is almost impossible , so it is better to do without your cooker overnight and schedule this for the next morning when you know you are definitely going to be there .
27 Under the acts , corporations are required to measure their own pollution level and report this to the inspectorate .
28 As an example of the iterative solution method , suppose that we start with a trial value for rm of r 1 = 12 per cent and plug this into the right-hand side of the above equation .
29 Suppose next that we try r 2 = 13 per cent and plug this into the right-hand side of the equation .
30 It would help to regenerate the East Cleveland economy and solve many of the problems suffered by local people having to endure the noise and discomfort caused by heavy traffic through Guisborough 's main shopping street .
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