Example sentences of "and [vb base] [pron] [verb] them " in BNC.

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1 If it 's her computer though , they might just erm , thingy it and change it to suit them .
2 Whenever I am working with someone I know and trust I ask them for a quick trim .
3 DOES ANYONE ELSE YEARN FOR PEACE , love , etc and want somebody to help them understand what is going on ? ?
4 ‘ Would this request from London have anything to do with the package and report I sent them , which never arrived because it was intercepted right here in this office ? ’
5 Give Durkin all the facts and let him publish them in the Eye-Witness . ’
6 Well you 'd better see Mark first and and let them have them back .
7 Can you get photographs of the maker 's mark and batch mark and let me have them here ? "
8 well drove out and turned , her bumper caught Mick 's wing and right up against the wheel so imagine to pull it out to drive it and the driver said oh wo n't claim on the insurance she said , erm , I 'll pay it , get three estimates and let me have them and Mick said it 's gon na be about three hundred quid , well if it had gone through the insurance he could then have put in for a hire car
9 So , I would hope that out of this experience of this morning you will continue to er let some of those stories come forward and , and let us hear them and let us share in them .
10 They never stand still and let you mark them , ’ he says .
11 We can stage a little comedy for ourselves if we pick out two expressions that I used in my last paragraph , and imagine ourselves presenting them to the startled and unwelcoming gaze of Max Beerbohm .
12 ‘ Security in some schools has to be 24 hours a day to keep kids out and stop them burning them down . ’
13 Teachers in schools where decision-making is ‘ closed ’ would do well to remember this and utilise it to help them ease their school towards a more ‘ open ’ system .
14 ‘ They carry nothing and wear nothing to identify them , where they come from or who sent them . ’
15 1 Read more about the surgical procedures mentioned in this chapter and ensure you understand them before reading on .
16 and I 'm going to write down the answers they give me and get them to sign them because I have I have really been beaten about the head by this !
17 Largely due to her courage and drive she enabled them to grow in stature so that the choirs were able to perform the major choral works drawing an audience of over 1,000 at a performance of the Dream of Gerontius and be broadcast with the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra on three occasions .
18 Pray that they may be people who rely on God 's healing and allow him to set them back on the track of feeding the lambs .
19 When parents criticize or disapprove of what their children do ( when unacceptable ) , the fact that their offspring love and respect them puts them on the same side as their parents ; it means that they will take what is being said seriously , and will emulate them by beginning to criticize their bad behaviour themselves !
20 Then you slide the inner wall across and use it to pin them against the side of the cage so they ca n't move or fight .
21 Not only that it 's they come and collect them take them away
22 An example might be to show informants a series of drawings , models , or other stimuli , and ask them to name them .
23 A third option is to give the children a collection of expressions in common usage and ask them to discuss them , saying what they think they mean .
24 His round had been long and arduous , and he was thinking how pleasant it would be to see and tease McAllister and ask her to serve them all some home-made lemonade .
25 My experience is that patients have little problem in finding the pattern and dosage which suits them .
26 These three young men have demonstrated a personal commitment and sacrifice which inspired them to attempt this daunting journey with enthusiasm .
27 They can only suggest concepts and invite you to use them .
28 Inside , liberal use of first-class photographs , imaginative illustrations and visual pages enhance the articles and invite you to read them .
29 And do they take them off you ?
30 And do you remember them well ?
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