Example sentences of "and [vb base] [pron] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Although it can become distracting if the children always want to use it when you 're working as a whole group , there may be times when you want everybody to take a piece of cloth and make themselves something with it — a headband or a belt in a particular colour , for example to identify them as belonging to a particular group .
2 I 'll grind your corn for you and charge you nothing at all . "
3 Practical matters also reared their head when 15 teams were given three hours and a selection of Meccano , paper cups , cotton reels and other bits and pieces to make a machine that would take a bag of coins all in one go , and dispense them one at a time for sorting .
4 One more word — have mercy on the player and give him plenty of rests .
5 There is much wildlife to see , so do n't forget the binoculars and give yourself plenty of time , it 's not a route to be hurried !
6 Encourage her to ‘ help ’ you with the baby and give her plenty of praise while she is doing it .
7 Rosalba closed her eyes , and beseeched heaven , not for the first time , ‘ Dear Lady , Lady who has known tears and cares and the love of God on earth , please help Serafina and give her lots of milk so she can make money and give her strength and stop people being unkind to her .
8 I said to him I 'll wrap it up and give you it for your Christmas present !
9 And she gave us these so I said , well I 've given her towels , wait and give it her for next .
10 He could hop up behind her and pop her one with the blackjack , no discussion , no fuss , just an instant human sack that he could throw over his shoulder and rush to the car .
11 I have also purchased a monograph of Parrots from a Mr Lear — When you and I are old men — how pleasing it will be to us to look at these together to quiz them all , and pass our We to upon them !
12 ’ ‘ It 's funny to think that just this afternoon I had the idea of getting poor old Eddy to come over to the Gates and tell me something about himself …
13 Patient numbers and mortality fail to take into account the influences of different demographic groups or diagnoses and so these simple data are being abandoned for more complex assessments that generate an overall score and tell us something about how ill the patient is .
14 In the second place , the correlations that are produced are merely statements about associations , and tell us nothing about the direction of cause and effect .
15 Doctor : ‘ Well , we put you in a private room and feed you nothing but veal escalopes and pancakes . ’
16 Send one copy to your insurer and keep one yourself in a safe place .
17 Then look at those messages and ask yourself who in your life is supporting them .
18 He will zoom up to her , stop with a screech of brakes , and ask her something like when lighting-up time is .
19 Alternatively , you can stretch the paper and colour it yourself with a lightfast paint .
20 And thank you everyone for the lovely presents for our new home .
21 what , what I could do I shall put these on and see what it at , starts and quickly put
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