Example sentences of "and [vb pp] [prep] the local " in BNC.

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1 It began with a letter from a certain hotel in Selkirk dated September 1982 and addressed to the local club following the Selkirk Sevens .
2 Politically the life of the peasants was very parochial and dominated by the local headmen , the sheikhs and omdas , who served as collaborators of the state .
3 The evening was rounded-off with the cutting of a large cake which had been made and presented by the local baker .
4 Meanwhile the birds of Felling are being featured in a new wildlife book , sponsored by Coatings and produced by the local council .
5 Furthermore , health authorities could no longer discharge patients without an individual care plan being approved and agreed with the local authority .
6 The design and size of the roof timbers is governed by the Building Regulations and approved by the local authority .
7 Upon alternative access for heavy vehicles to a public highway being made available to the satisfaction of the local planning authority the use of Gillingham Gate for heavy vehicles shall be discontinued or reduced in accordance with details which shall have been submitted to and approved by the local planning authority .
8 And it was a record that came to be seen and recognised by the local electorate , in particular the newly enfranchised women , not least through the efforts of Labour candidates to exploit it to political advantage .
9 The consultant psychiatrist and a team of community nurses from the health service are actively involved in supporting and visiting the scheme , and the home is registered and inspected by the local authority who also provide a social worker to provide links with other local services .
10 The rulings were created and administered by the local law society which represents all interested professional parties .
11 It is also believed that the old Scandinavian rulers of the area held their annual ‘ folk mote ’ at which the laws were read to the assembled inhabitants at a large circular mound , now overgrown with trees , and known to the local people as Fox Hill , supposedly a corruption of Folks Hill .
12 It is ironic that the British government should have gone through so many contortions over local government tax , finally to arrive at a system whereby the bulk of tax is raised centrally and distributed to the local authorities , while such a system has been the norm in Germany for decades .
13 The two were bundled into a van and driven to the local beauty spot , Barrow Wake , at Birdlip , which overlooks the city of Gloucester .
14 Forty of the escapees were killed by local hunters but the remainder appear to have survived by hiding in inaccessible rocky areas and adapted to the local terrain , which is similar to their natural habitat in sub-Saharan Africa .
15 Although this particular initiative was successful in providing a community education service operated and controlled by local people , and subsidised by the local authority , it was very limited in scope .
16 These are combined to give an overall requirement which is grossed up for tax and converted into the local currency .
17 Someone came to tell her that her twelve-year-old son Paul had been knocked down by a car on the way home from a friend 's house and taken to the local hospital .
18 Now , ten years later , the tortoise conservation project is self-funding , the toast of the local businessmen , embraced by the local people , forging ahead as one of the most influential conservation outfits in the area , exporting its expertise to other countries , and espoused by the local and national politicians .
19 He then managed to increase the club 's fee-paying members , from 6,000 to 22,000 , and bargained with the local council to rent the stadium for the princely annual sum of one peseta .
20 Now , all proposals require the submission of two separate applications , both made to and determined by the local planning authority , though they have to consult the Secretary of State on major works to buildings listed Grade II* or where demolition is involved .
21 Each croft had its own allocation of peat banks , the location of which was strictly adhered to and controlled by the local grazing committee .
22 He was invalided out and qualified with the local authority as a youth worker .
23 She had even been interviewed and photographed by the local paper .
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