Example sentences of "and [vb past] about [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 William Agnew , although he could not speak and relied entirely on sign language , was a forceful personality and moved about amongst the rich merchants of Glasgow .
2 A final factor affecting the erosion of cliff coasts composed of hard rock is the load of stones and boulders stirred up and moved about by the waves .
3 It was unfair to the defendant and came about by the calculated action of the police to lull Newall into a false sense of security , he added .
4 So he 'd sort of had a well I suppose he 'd messed around helped and played about in the smithy .
5 The way to make NoS popular was to put lots of people in it They could be used to bring home the sort of things which should be exposed and campaigned about in the paper — like housing conditions , or unemployment .
6 Nails bit his tongue as Midnight jiggled and swung about on the end of the rein .
7 Mary was the only one of them , as far as he knew , who had ever walked to the village and walked about in the village when she got there .
8 A gambler by instinct , Chéron listened to the gossip and hung about in the artists ' cafés .
9 Friends were able to find an alternative , but for a few moments Marilyn said she could not believe it was happening to her and looked about for the dreaded Jeremy Beadle .
10 These were given their first test run and enthused about by the audiences for Wuthering Heights a very worthwhile investment .
11 We do believe however that mutually rewarding relationships with colleagues , with pupils and with the parents of our pupils can only really be developed within their local political context , rather than by being researched , reported on and learned about in the abstract .
12 The fat undertaker had closed down the tailgate of the hearse and stood about on the gravel , twirling his keys .
13 She laughed and jumped about with the Palernians , trying to burst the bubbles .
14 He imagined himself to be in the centre of the city now , surrounded by its magnificent old crumbling buildings , its churches and palaces , villas and castles filled with the rich trappings of the centuries and set about by the bustle , the noise , the filth , squalor and abject poverty of the streets .
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