Example sentences of "and [vb past] give [pers pn] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Now , they consulted their executive committee , and agreed to give us the free use of an empty office .
2 Preston stumbled out of bed and tried to give her a hug , but she fought him off as if it was an attack .
3 He shifted uncomfortably and tried to give her a reassuring grin .
4 She took me up to an apartment and started giving me a blow-job .
5 I thought how nice he was and decided to give him a treat and sit on his lap .
6 Norfolk-born Mavis McKechnie , 71 , of Mill House , Wissington , near Nayland , has wanted to try the walk for some time and decided to give it a serious purpose .
7 Then I thought about those children and decided to give it a go . ’
8 ‘ I 'd thought about it for some time , and decided to give it a go . ’
9 The abrasive new general brushed aside Stirling 's request and proceeded to give him a lecture .
10 He graciously appeared to Abraham , who had no claim on him , and offered to give him a posterity like the stars of heaven : Abraham responded to this grace by an act of faith which issued in a life of obedience .
11 One day Hugh came into the bathroom while Myra was washing and offered to give her a present if she would give him a hug and a kiss .
12 One of the speakers that evening was Gordon Gissing , so I had no hesitation when he told me about his visit to a picturesque narrow ( metre ) gauge system in East Germany , and offered to give us a talk on it .
13 The majority thought differently , however , and voted to give him the heave-ho in Labour 's favour by a margin of nine per cent .
14 A male friend had tried to dissuade Hale from seeking a much needed job and had given her a thousand dollars to buy ‘ the most beautiful dress in New York ’ , telling her that what she needed was to find a rich husband .
15 Anyway , I had built her up at the front end so that she was standing with her fore feet on a half door and had given her a strong oily purgative .
16 for , in her face and in her voice , and in her touch , she gave the assurance that suffering had been stronger than Miss Havisham 's teachings , and had given her a heart to understand what his heart used to be .
17 The constable had responded to Joinville 's requests débonairement et … en bon manere , and had given him a knight as an escort who ‘ by his ordinance and advice expedited affairs débonairement' .
18 These debates were eventually brought to a close by Williams , but by this time his fame had spread throughout the islands and had given him a mass following , especially among the lower Creole class .
19 Initially Edward had been prepared to augment Gloucester 's landed interest with further grants and had given him the custody and marriage of two local heirs , Henry Marney and William Walgrave .
20 Initially Edward had been prepared to augment Gloucester 's landed interest with further grants and had given him the custody and marriage of two local heirs , Henry Marney and William Walgrave .
21 Although the staff had not appreciated it , the listings of London events were quite crucial , and had given It a stranglehold on the London market , which was to be broken .
22 Binkie Beaumont , the head of Tennents , was fond of Ken and wanted to give him a star vehicle — his part was bigger than those of Dame Edith and Michael Bryant put together .
23 Havers , whose Charmer character in the hit ITV series would have thought nothing of ripping off a needy mother , told the BBC he was touched by her story and wanted to give her a happy Christmas .
24 ‘ There is a phone in number for viewers to air their opinions and he called in and said he was furious about what had happened to this poor woman and wanted to give her the money so she could buy presents for the boys .
25 She saw him coming and intended to give him a wide berth .
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