Example sentences of "and [vb past] with [pron] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The child was born in January 1984 and lived with her parents until 1986 when , on suspicion of sexual abuse , she was taken into care and placed with foster parents .
2 Brought up on a tough council estate in Liverpool , Rachel — half English and half Indian — never knew her parents and lived with her grandparents in Speke .
3 John Bartram lost his parents while still young and lived with his grandparents who had emigrated to America with William Penn in 1682 .
4 The prince chatted and joked with his well-wishers before he and his coach party met another group of community representatives and private and public sector figures who had earlier made a tour of the estate .
5 The Black Panthers slapped one another and joshed with their weapons : Miranda took a few more photographs to draw from later .
6 The man heard or sensed him at the last moment and turned with his hands coming up to a fighting stance but Maxim feinted through them and hit him low in the stomach .
7 So he ungloved , and rummaged with his fingers , sucking vigorously on those till the lower half of the skull , still attached to the spinal column , was quite empty .
8 But they wrote and edited with their eyes also on the contemporary situation and on the future , with a determination that the people 's faith and worship should not be swamped by the religions of their Babylonian masters , and that once back in God 's Land , they should not commit the same dreadful mistakes again .
9 Some of the 70 children helped to serve the food prepared by the school cooks and sat and chatted with their guests .
10 If you favoured sweating it out , you sat around on tiered benches and chatted with your friends until you started dissolving into steam , and then got yourself scraped down by a slave with a sort of sickle thing called a strigil , and massaged , and oiled and perfumed , or if you were a real fanatic you probably went straight from the hot room to take a cold plunge , like sauna addicts rolling in the snow .
11 There rose , and she looked and looked with her needles suspended , there curled up off the floor of the mind , rose from the lake of one 's being , a mist , a bride to meet her lover .
12 Then , taking a deep breath , she crossed to the little ante-room and tapped with her knuckles on the door .
13 When it appeared to be over — he 'd stopped breathing so heavily and lay with his eyes closed — she asked him who Stella Maris was .
14 He got straight back on to the divan and lay with his eyes shut , as if I should n't have come and I felt I ought never to have come ( especially without telling C ) , and I felt as well that it really was a bit much , a pose .
15 He heard himself moan , and felt with his hands : bedclothes .
16 In the Wilhehnstrasse , a procession of diplomats , including the British Ambassador , Sir Neville Henderson , came and went with their instructions .
17 We came back from there back into the rooms that we having instructions in and continued with our lessons .
18 He rasped out the words and stood with his hands on his hips to glare down at her .
19 Niall dropped a book on the table and stood with his hands in his pockets .
20 Saturday night and stayed with his friends like and I , I and I did n't like it , I could I was lying in bed I thought I heard noises and all and I had all the windows
21 One by one , the men came down from the top of the rock , and sat with their arms around each other , out of the wind .
22 She guided her emotional mate back to his seat and sat with her arms around him until he tried to kill her again .
23 Mrs Dawson was crying and sat with her arms around her two small children .
24 The penguin walked to the exact centre of her shrinking ice-floe and sat with her eyes shut .
25 Before lunch Eva had us traipse out into the garden , where we bent and stretched , and sat with our backs straight , and breathed through alternate nostrils before we ate our salads and fruit .
26 Dorcas lowered himself gingerly on to the brink and sat with his legs dangling over the drop .
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