Example sentences of "and [vb past] [pron] know [pron] " in BNC.

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1 One of his crosses was Perdita Macleod , who had now been working full time for Ricky for nine months and felt she knew everything .
2 I had heard all three works on this new BIS issue and thought I knew my feelings about them .
3 It was only a few months ago , but it seemed like years , since the young girl , who kept herself to herself , and thought she knew what she wanted from life , unpacked them with secret glee .
4 Seeing a youth of about 17 about to cycle away , Harry whispered that he was RAF and did he know anyone who could help .
5 And did you know what you were going to do when you left school ?
6 Pointy-Beard simply said that Sunil wanted to see me when he 'd finished eating and we were going to meet him at Shazam 's and did I know it .
7 ‘ And when she noticed I had two other children with me she laughed and said she knew what a handful they could be . ’
8 When Dr Macpherson had listed a catalogue of human rights abuses in Malawi to Dr Banda , he had appeared concerned and said he knew nothing about it .
9 I wonder if , I wonder if erm you know if you rang up erm the county council and said you know I mean er y just make use of a contact and say look , we wan na do this survey , you know , do you happen to know a any members of your family
10 And she kissed me , and called me her dear Blanche , and said I knew she was a good girl , and very strong , and not foolish .
11 So he 'll be glad to know that she thought about him and wanted him to know it . ’
12 A franchise bistro near her flat where the food came straight from the freezer to the infra-wave and the waitresses were on their way to something better and wanted you to know it .
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