Example sentences of "and [vb past] [pron] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Instead , feeling as though with each step she took she was treading on her dreams , destroying them forever , she followed him mutely back to the sofa and seated herself where she had been before .
2 It is touching but rather embarrassing that after the film the rest of the people waited for the foreign quests to leave first , and clapped us when we went out .
3 And they spurred forward to pursue and take him , no doubt believing it a happy chance for them , and the Lord Owen caused his horse to appear to drop lame , and so encouraged and led them until they were spread all along the field in open order , within close range of the bowmen in the woods .
4 ‘ They are one of the few teams that have come here and attacked us and they did a good job , ’ he said .
5 The ward sister had actually drawn her aside and asked her whether she did not think it would be a good idea to let her husband see his children more often in the future .
6 Soon she realised that he was singing her praises to his friends , because other similar garden owners rang her up and asked her if she could do a few hours for them too .
7 Australian DJ Brian White told his listeners that a drunken journalist had approached Kylie after she had been presented with an award and asked her if she felt ashamed to have won it in a room full of so many talented people .
8 Leaving Georgia sleeping , he 'd knocked on Yvonne 's door and asked her if she wanted to go swimming .
9 Philip stopped , got out and asked her if she was all right .
10 ‘ Emma saw her in Bamford and asked her if she could send her the book to sign and Harriet said yes , of course .
11 Markby telephoned Meredith and asked her if she was interested in a country walk that morning .
12 ‘ I was so impressed I gave her a tape with a backing track on it the band had done , and asked her if she wanted to do some work on it .
13 I grinned lopsidedly and asked her if she wanted a drink .
14 She discussed the idea with her sister-in-law Mabel , and asked her if she would like to come along to help choose some suitable fabric .
15 Josie looked at her strangely a couple of times , and asked her if she felt ill .
16 She told Lizzie now that she would be coming down at the weekend and asked her if she would be kind enough to get her old room ready for her .
17 Yeah I put the shield up against the wall because I knew then that the whole house had been cleared and er bent down and asked her if she was alright .
18 ‘ On one occasion I woke up from an operation in hospital and asked her if she had brought my Echo . ’
19 So I went in and asked her if she wants a smoke .
20 ‘ A couple of the girls felt she was being quiet and withdrawn and asked her if there was anything wrong .
21 that people were leaving the country. , my friend wrote to my niece in One House and asked her if I could live with her until I got fixed up in a home .
22 ‘ Prince Philip was interested to her that I already held the bronze and silver awards and asked me whether I had enjoyed myself going for gold , ’ said Christine .
23 She had read about the benefits of regression , and asked me whether she could go back to her childhood and try to uncover any other hidden details which might be relevant .
24 By this time David had started up the Arts Lab and asked me if I would teach street theatre and improvisation there , so I was destined to go to Beckenham . ’
25 She seemed flabbergasted , but rallied and asked me if I would look in at the Gray Mare in Kilburn and say ‘ hello ’ to her son Joe Kelly who worked there .
26 In late 1976 , Radio Telefis Eireann , the Irish state television service , decided to produce a documentary on Lebanon and asked me if I could locate any films that depicted the country in the days of peace .
27 So he called me up and asked me if I wanted to play it , which was incredibly flattering because I 'd been a fan of his for such a long time .
28 ‘ He seemed very worried and asked me if I wanted to go with him , ’ she said .
29 ‘ But several days later he came straight out with it and asked me if I was on the Pill and would I go on holiday to Scotland with him .
30 Two weeks later , to my horror , Mr Taylor stopped me in the corridor and asked me if I 'd consider doing another talk — to another class .
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