Example sentences of "and [Wh pn] is [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In particular Amer Midani , the United director who has a 15 per cent holding and who is believed to be waiting to buy Edwards 's stake .
2 It is probably a conflation of the Bladud legend with that of Simon Magus who appears in the canonical Acts of the Apostles and the apocryphal Acts of Peter and who is credited with being the first teacher of the Gnostic heresy .
3 It is clear from the man 's record that he was an ally of a man who escaped from Northern Ireland and who is wanted in Northern Ireland to pay part of the price for the crime that he committed .
4 At the heart of the series is BB who has built the business empire from humble beginnings , and who is played by Zia Mohyeddin , whose screen appearances include JEWEL IN THE CROWN , MOUNTBATTEN , ASSAM GARDEN etc .
5 Nick Bollettieri , whose Bradenton , Florida Coaching Academy continues to be the base for a whole host of tennis champions , including currently , Andre Agassi , and who is committed to helping the Lawn Tennis Association to set up a similar training base her in the UK , has , in conjunction with adidas , launched a fast and functional range of tennis apparel for this country .
6 By now , this essentially moral theory controls citizenship and who is admitted across borders , and the rights accruing to the ‘ sons of the soil ’ .
7 We think of a being who shows various emotions towards creation — love , wrath , anger , sorrow , mercy and so on — and who is associated with particular activities that we think of as actions taken by persons , such as judgement .
8 Anyone who is 18 years or older , and who is classified by the Inland Revenue as a UK resident , can open a PEP .
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