Example sentences of "and [ex0] are [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 This boy is clearly highly disturbed and there are dangers for him in either of the options which were open to the justices to make the order or to refuse it .
2 Consciousness is structured and there are reasons for supposing that this structure differs with the socio-economic situation of the experiencing subject .
3 I 'm more concerned about erm future possibilities , not least the possibility that the , if we fight the next European election under first past the post system then of course there will need to be a further set of boundary changes in the very near future arising from the parliamentary boundary commission proposals and I hope that again that the minister will take the change in in his remarks a little later , to assure the house that this was , because of the time constraints and there are reasons for that that I 'll come to , but because of the time constraints that this was in fact just a one off proposal because its sad that party political considerations that the minister has eluded to , the difficulties that Conservative party had over the Maastricht bill , caused our boundary procedures to be tampered with at all in the U K. At the same time as we 're seeing er a welcome expansion of democratic forms in the rest of the world in erm Eastern and central er Europe , in South Africa for instance we see the erosion of these forms in the United Kingdom .
4 ‘ There are causes , and there are warriors for causes , ’ replied Ipuky , his voice as empty as the desert .
5 The EC itself has not attached environmental conditions in the cases of Poland and Hungary , but Carlo Ripa di Meana , the EC Environment Commissioner , has insisted that a sum ( still to be agreed ) must be set aside to bring the East 's environment up to scratch and there are proposals for training environmental managers .
6 A Turkish airline is to fly to Jerba , which has an international airport , and there are plans for a Turkish shipping route to Tripoli .
7 Lyndon-James says design is well advanced on a 4-megabit chip — the size of the largest DRAM chip currently on the market — and there are plans for 16-megabit chip .
8 Mining near Selby has started and there are plans for three new large pits for the 1990s in the Vale of Belvoir ( see also page 148 ) .
9 Meteoriticists are now searching for further specimens in the Canadian Arctic and there are plans for expeditions to northern Greenland .
10 High viewing figures allowed a second series to be shown at the earlier time of 9 p.m. , and there are plans for a third series to follow .
11 HSS Hire Shops has 170 branches throughout the UK , and there are plans for expansion in the coming year .
12 In spite of the distance from home , this little bit of Oxford appears to have a bright future in the U S A , in spite of the competition from 35 other companies and there are plans for special videos to be made so that the employees in Clearwater can learn something of what life is like for their counterparts in Abingdon .
13 Many authors have whole bibliographies devoted to them , and there are bibliographies for particular subject areas ( for example , Black British Literature .
14 And there are outlets for it in plastics , rubber and man-made fibres .
15 The stress on Levi 's insensitivity to religion is allowed to suggest that all Jews are religious , and there are readers for whom this might signal the corollary that all Jews are Zionists , and are likely to be supporters of Israeli government policy .
16 Occupations with a high part-timer share are also those with a high casual worker share , and there are grounds for thinking that in certain cases the two categories of worker are functional equivalents .
17 The RNLI has always recognised the importance of ensuring expertise in every field and there are facilities for training at every level for staff and volunteers .
18 There may be confusion in the clinical diagnosis of delayed gastric emptying after upper gastrointestinal tract surgery , and there are traps for the unwary .
19 Each group is responsible for its own quality control , is treated by management as a team , and there are opportunities for job rotation throughout the team , though the rotated jobs exclude supervision and materials handling .
20 The material is often exploited in more than one way and there are opportunities for extending the exercises .
21 Commercial firms , especially those concerned with pharmacological and nutritional products , employ a limited number of veterinary advisers both in this country and overseas ; and there are opportunities for giving technical assistance to developing countries under the auspices of either the Overseas Development Administration or one of the United Nations external aid agencies .
22 When I am finished , everything is in its place , and there are places for everything .
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