Example sentences of "and [Wh adv] it [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 That 's what it basically is , and whenever it gets too slick or too planned , we stop , in complete mid-stream if necessary , and just go back to being more primitive .
2 These quandaries can only be overcome , I believe , by remembering how the dinosaur species emerged , and how it died off in relays , and that there was a great diversity of size .
3 The next logical step is to look at the idea of Highlander , to see how it operates , and how it differs completely from a conventional school for community organisers .
4 Various fairly unscientific theories have been put forward over the years as to why and how it got there .
5 On the spreadsheet front , I want to calculate how much money was spent by respondents to the survey and how it breaks down , in percentage terms , into each category of surgery .
6 And Fenella remembered the thin , frayed legend of how the Earth-people , at one time in their history , had created a race of machines and how they had then created machines to run the machines and how it had all got out of hand .
7 ‘ Much obliged for that , Albert , ’ said Joe , and explained that he 'd got a guest and how it came about , although he said nothing about the wallet or the men .
8 One day when the terrible moment comes and it is bound to come when we shall be talking of the Serb national catastrophe , when we shall be questioning ourselves about who was responsible for it and how it came about that we are the last nation in Europe to be surrounded by such enemies and such hatred , then many of the great brains of the Academy will find themselves in the dock if they live to see the day .
9 Klein describes her own feelings in doing this work and how it came about ; Informed by her research in Australia and by talking to women who left in vitro fertilisation ( IVF ) programmes .
10 This is why and one of the the real problems with this is it 's not that I 'm criticising , it 's just that if in fact you 've got somebody who was appointed as a treasurer , you can in fact get more information out of it , instead of having to guess what we got from where and how it came in .
11 As we said in the last chapter , the Church is well placed to give a positive message at this time , to speak of how mortality is understood and how it fits in with the Christian message of salvation .
12 In the next chapters we will go on to consider what homoeopathy is , how it arose and developed , and how it fits in with the scheme of health and disease outlined here .
13 ‘ Each Church will have to look at its own organisation and how it faces up to the problem but the element of mutual trust enables people to look at each other also . ’
14 She was silent a moment , thinking of Oreste and her journey to England and the future of her family and how it rested largely at the moment on Mr Landor 's £30 a year .
15 ‘ We begin around 12 telling them what a baby is , why it 's the sex it is and how it comes about .
16 Nick Wright of the Photo Co-op also took four or five groups around the exhibition , and some 400 Education Packs were sent to schools around the country , explaining what Magnum is , how it started with a small band of six , and how it has now grown to over a hundred , with offices in New York , Paris and London .
17 It was quite incredible to see the original fabric and how it changed completely when washed and steam pressed and how easy it was to use as a lovely flat piece of fabric .
18 And why it comes round here .
19 No doubt both the Department of Health and the Mental Health Act Commission will take notice of the Court 's opinion that the form for application for admission under section 2 ‘ does not direct the social worker 's attention to the desirability of obtaining a recommendation from a doctor who does know the past history , diagnosis and treatment of the patient and why it has not been practicable to do so . ’
20 That is why the game is called a dilemma , why it seems so maddeningly paradoxical , and why it has even been proposed that there ought to be a law against it .
21 Greenberg claimed that ‘ modernist art developed out of a past without gap or break , and wherever it ends up it will never stop being intelligible in terms of the continuity of art ’ ( Krauss 1985a , pp. 1–8 ) .
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